Chapter 2

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Siobhan Ahern did her best to sit still in the presence of all five members of the school board, the anxiety and tension coursing through her muscles begging her to fidget. At least they were betas. She couldn't imagine trying to remain seated in a semicircle of alphas with their predator's eyes on her.

"Well, Miss Ahern," Mr. Tyler began, folding his hands in front of him on the table, "we reached out to the parents of your students in advance of this interview. What is it you think they told us?"

"Good things, I hope," Siobhan ventured.

Tyler smiled. "Better than good. The kids respond well to your style and say you make learning history fun. And my son raves about your Modern Interprovincial History course."

"Thank you, sir. He's an excellent student."

Ms. Baxter flipped closed the file in front of her. "Dean Forester speaks very highly of you, and there's no denying that the behavioral assessment plan you and she devised is yielding some very positive results. On a personal note, I would like to thank you for the help you've given my Annie. Her grades have greatly improved since she joined your after-school study hall."

Dean Forester gave Siobhan two thumbs up from her seat behind the board members.

"How long have you been a teacher here at Aspen Hills Academy?" the newest board member, Mr. Novak asked, perusing the documents in front of him.

"Ten years this August," Siobhan confirmed.

"And you're an omega?" he asked.

"I am, sir, yes."


"Yes, sir."

"If you are promoted to this position, what's the likelihood you would remain unmated?" Novak asked. "The reason I ask is that the academy would be unable to continue employing you once you were mated."

Like she didn't already know that. Siobhan tamped down her irritation. What the hells did her dynamic or mating status have to do with being considered for head of the intermediate and secondary wings' history departments? "I am not currently in the market for a mate, nor do I have plans to be so ever."

"Ever? That seems a little extreme," Mrs. Brown chimed in with a chuckle.

"So, Miss Ahern," Dean Forester asked, "what are your plans for the future of the department?"

Leave it to Tilly to save the day. Siobhan reached into her satchel and pulled out a small stack of presentation folders, handing one to each board member. "I have detailed my proposals here. They include splitting Modern Interprovincial History into four semesters instead of two, in order to include the Northern War, and adding a dozen core units in coordination with the Language and Literature department." She waited as the board members flipped through her proposals.

"I must say these look outstanding, Miss Ahern," Mr. Tyler said, meeting her eye.

She couldn't help the tingle of excitement that followed that praise. "Thank you, sir."

"If no one has any questions..." Tyler passed a glance to the others at the table, "then we will adjourn for now, so we may have a thorough look at your proposals and confer. We will apprise Dean Forester of our decision some time in the next week or so."

"Of course, sir. Thank you for considering me."

As the board members gathered their things to depart, Mrs. Brown touched Siobhan's arm to get her attention. "Von, honey, you should meet my brother. He's an alpha, and he recently lost his mate. I think you two would get along." She handed Siobhan a folded piece of paper.

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