Chapter 14

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"Are you sure you'll be okay here all by yourself?" Von asked, looking up from her open suitcase.

Fancy scrolled through her phone as she leaned in the bedroom doorway. "Yeah, I'll be fine. I have Stan on speed dial and a taser in my purse. Stop worrying. Oh, look! It's another one!" She held her phone so Von could see the screen.

A photo of her and Damian on their most recent date - the opening of a wine bar uptown owned by a high-society friend of his. Damian had looked amazing that night, in tight dark jeans and one of those deep V-neck shirts of his she loved. Even dressed down, he looked like he fit in. Von, though she'd endeavored to imitate the fashionable people around her - their relaxed confidence - felt she stuck out like short, plump thumb in a comparatively shabby black dress. Even she could tell her expression was as painted on as her lip tint.

Fancy paused. "This article is saying you're pregnant, already."

"Well, we both know that's not true." Von closed her suitcase.

"This one seems to be everyone's favorite, though," Fancy remarked.

A photo of them outside the restaurant. The first time he'd kissed her. At the time, she'd been too caught up in the moment to give it much thought but seeing that kiss splashed across the digital domain was another story.

It was embarrassing.

However, the memory of that kiss had since occupied her thoughts. It hadn't occurred to her at the time that she'd have to kiss Damian, although it probably should have. He did say they'd have to play the devoted, loving couple in public. Kissing would make sense in that context, she supposed. What was a kiss? It was nothing. It didn't mean anything. And she'd been able to maintain that mental distance until his lips captured hers.

Wow, she'd thought, her vision sparkling, if that's what the fake kisses feel like, I can't wait to feel a real one.

No, wait, what? She was not supposed to want real kisses, not from him. She shouldn't have even enjoyed the fake kiss. It was far too early in the process for this kind of muddled thinking. She hoped this wasn't going to turn into a problem.

This wasn't a real relationship. Despite the rings on her finger and the matching band on his, this was a business deal. Nothing more. Get your head in the game, Siobhan. You're in this so he can get his nephew and you can go to school.

"You guys have been at this for a while. This was the only time?" Fancy asked, incredulous. "He hasn't kissed you again, or tried to get into your pants, or anything?"

There had been a few kisses over the past several weeks at various events, but chaste by comparison. A peck on her lips or her cheek. Not the dizzying intensity of that first time. "He's a gentleman."

A warped chime sounded.

"That'll be your ride." Fancy helped her ease her suitcase onto the floor. "Do you have everything?"

"I think so," Von said.

A uniformed chauffeur waited just outside the door. He took Von's suitcase and wheeled it toward the stairs.

"Bye." Von hugged Fancy, tightly. "Stay safe. Remember to lock the door, please. If you need anything, call, text, message, whatever. I'll get here."

"I'll be fine. Have fun," Fancy told her. "I'll see you in a couple of months."

Downstairs, the chauffeur stood, holding open the door of a sleek, black vehicle, much to the confusion and curiosity of the residents of both her bloc and neighboring blocks. Von settled on the plush leather bench seat in the back, secured her lap and shoulder restraint, and tried to calm the fluttering in her stomach.

The Arrangement (Omegas of Hunter's Point Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now