Chapter 32

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Darkness. Warmth. Safety. Her mate's smell, as familiar to her as her own, enveloping her. The fire of their bond burning merrily in that recessed place behind her heart. That bond told her that Damian was still deeply asleep. She closed her eyes, savoring the feel of his naked body pressed closely against hers from behind, skin-to-skin. Supposedly, this was part of her recovery. It was meant to solidify the bond between them that had been formed when Damian had claimed Von as his mate. Unfortunately, they were both under the strictest orders from her doctor that it was to be external contact only. Her bombed-out system needed rest and calm, so sex was off the menu until she stabilized. No one had explained exactly how long that might take.

Just in the few days she'd stayed in the hospital, she'd felt better, stronger. Her appetite had improved. She was drinking the electrolyte solutions, even when she wasn't thirsty, to stay hydrated, which her doctor insisted was vital for fighting off the infection. Though, the result was the need to urinate roughly every forty-five minutes, and, due to her medically-weakened state, she didn't always make it to the bathroom in time. Her last morning in the hospital, she'd woken with a bladder so full it had released without her intending it to, in the bed, with a dozing Damian in his customary place beside her.

He'd awoken in a flood to a Von teary with embarrassment. He'd simply kissed her, assured her it was nothing to be ashamed of, and had taken it upon himself to carry his mate to the bathroom, where, with the kindest of hands, he'd cleaned her up, then given himself a quick wash. As she sat wrapped in the fluffiest, softest towel she'd ever seen, Damian had stripped the soiled bedding and remade the bed with fresh linens. No complaints or recriminations. He'd resettled them both, folded his arms around her, and purred for her until her eyelids grew heavy and she dropped back into sleep.

Later that afternoon, Mrs. Ambrose had brought Michael to visit. Bless that wonderful child. He'd given her a small bouquet of flowers and a stuffed bunny, the same one now tucked against her chest.

"I don't still have to call you miss, do I, miss?" he'd asked.

"No, you don't have to call me that," Von had told him, smiling. "I'm not a teacher anymore."

That admission, finally voiced aloud, had torn through her. As a claimed omega, she was no longer permitted to work. She wasn't a teacher anymore. She wasn't anything anymore.

Damian seemed to sense her distress. He'd hugged her close and planted a kiss on the top of her head.

"Does that mean I can call you Aunt Siobhan?" Michael had asked, hopefully.

"How about Auntie Von?" Damian suggested.

Mrs. Ambrose's mouth pinched at the sound of her daughter-in-law's undignified nickname. She'd been referring to Von by her birth name at every given opportunity, hinting that everyone else should as well.

Auntie Von. "I'd like that," Von admitted, a warmth unfurling in her chest at the idea.

Their visit had been interrupted by a nurse bringing in Von's lunch and meds. Knowing the meds would likely put Von to sleep, Mrs. Ambrose had taken the opportunity to politely excuse both herself and Michael, who left with a cheery, "See you later, Auntie Von!"

Watching him depart, she was amazed at how fast her love for young Michael had grown. She'd already liked the child when he'd been her fake mate's nephew, but over the past few days, she found herself becoming increasingly protective of him. As he left with his grandmother, Michael had almost been knocked over by a large alpha orderly who hadn't seen the boy. Von's reaction had frightened her. It had been an unquestioning lightning strike of homicidally violent intent. She had been prepared to tear flesh and rain blood to defend the boy.

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