Chapter 12

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Von unobtrusively observed herself as she approached the glass and sandstone entrance of the office building. Damian had told her to dress nicely, but there were only so many nice things she owned. Fewer since that incident in the alley. She'd settled on a deep green pencil skirt and a sleeveless white blouse with a flounce of cascading lace down the front. Her hair was arranged simply in a low bun. Ruefully, she decided she looked more like she was arriving for a job interview than to kick off a fake romance, but it would have to do.

The receptionist, a sharp-dressed beta, smiled as she approached. "Welcome to Sharp and Ambrose. Which division may I direct you to?"

"Oh," Von started, "I'm here for a meeting with Damian Ambrose."

A judgement flashed quickly through the man's sable eyes, there and gone so fast Von was already questioning whether or not she'd really seen it. "I'll contact his office," he said, somewhat tightly, waving her to a seating area.

There was still time to back out, she thought, briefly. She could walk right on out. Then, what? She'd be right back where she had been with no money, spinning her wheels personally and professionally, that's what. She couldn't continue that way indefinitely. Something had to give. It was only for a little while, and Damian was...

Damian was charming, and beautiful, and thoughtful, and smart. And so unusual. Who'd ever heard of an alpha wanting to raise a child as a sole caregiver? That concept alone made this dishonest little foray worthwhile, to think nothing of the effect it would have on her life.

Damian emerged from the elevator to her right, breaking into a grin at the sight of her. "Hi, Von.

You look great! Come on up."

Once the doors closed, he hit the button for the top floor.

"How long will it take to sign the paperwork?"

"Not long. We'll go over it first so you know exactly what you're signing." He caught her gaze in the reflective surface of the elevator doors and offered a smile.

The elevator doors swooshed open on a tastefully decorated lobby.

They passed his office manager, an older beta with hair like fresh snowfall. "Mr. Stone is waiting in your office."

"Thank you, Miss Rosalie." Damian hurried a few steps ahead so he could open the door for Von.

"There you are, Ambrose." Tall for a beta, Mr. Stone was a decade older than Damian and round in all the places Damian was flat. "Is this the lovely Miss Ahern?" He stepped forward and clasped Von's hand. "May I say what a huge admirer I am of your father? The strides he's made championing omega rights has been nothing short of inspiring."

Whatever he'd done would never be enough, she thought, uncharitably. "You'd know more about that than I would, I'm afraid," she responded.

"Evan heads the family law division. He's handling our mate arrangement and the adoption,"

"You know, Damian, here, hasn't shut up about you since that night at the club. To hear him, you'd think a seraph had descended from the Celestial Seat." Mr. Stone chuckled. "I see now that, if anything, he was lax in his description of you."

Seldom the recipient of that kind of flattery, Von wasn't sure how to respond. "Th-thank you?"

"You talk too damn much, Evan," Damian chided, somewhat tersely. "She came here to sign stuff, not listen to you bloviate." He guided Von to a chair to one side of his mahogany desk.

"So territorial," Mr. Stone teased. He glanced down at Von and gave her a deliberate wink. "The first document is pretty standard. It just outlines the agreement the two of you have already made. You agree to a temporary common law mate arrangement until Damian's adoption petition clears. You will be compensated with the full cost of tuition and books for your chosen post-grad program along with a monthly allowance and an apartment near the university at a reduced rent once said petition is granted. My office will then initiate the separation. There will remain no legal ties between the two of you once all is complete."

The Arrangement (Omegas of Hunter's Point Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now