Chapter 17

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Looking up at the house – mansion would be a more apropos descriptor - Von found herself acutely aware that she was underdressed. She'd been following Damian's lead. When she'd seen he'd donned jeans, a t-shirt, and sneakers, she'd put on yoga pants and a loose-fitting top. Now, she wished she'd worn something more formal.

"You don't have to be nervous," Damian assured her. "Michael's an easy-going kid. You'll love him. And I promise not to leave you alone with my mother."

He didn't even have to knock. It would seem someone had been watching for them. As they approached, a soberly-suited butler opened the front door for them.

"Hello?" Damian called from the cavernous entry hall.

"Uncle Damian?" a small voice called. A little boy peaked around the corner, blue eyes alight. He caught sight of them and flew into Damian's arms, chanting, "Uncle Damian! Uncle Damian! Uncle Damian!"

Von was glad to see she wasn't the only one dressed improperly for the day they had planned.

Damian took in Michael's white button down, sweater vest, and tan knee pants with a grimace. "What has Grandma got you dressed in?"

"She says I hafta wear this," he explained, at a loss.

"Well, this is no good for an amusement park. We'll have to get you changed." Damian notched his chin toward Von. "This is Miss Ahern. She's a teacher at your new school."

Michael stuck out his hand. "It's nice to meet you, miss," he said, solemnly. "My name is Michael Edward Chase the Third."

Von gave his hand a hearty shake and matched his solemn tone. "It's very nice to meet you, Michael Edward Chase the Third."

"Why don't you take Miss Ahern upstairs and show her your room?" Then, to Von, "Try to find him some clothes that make him look less like he's proselytizing door-to-door on behalf of the local temple."

Damian set Michael down. The little boy took Von's hand without question and began leading her upstairs.

"Do you like my uncle?" he asked, as they rounded the second-floor landing.

"Yes, very much," she admitted.

"Are you his mate?"

She almost said no, then caught sight of the rings on her finger, the aquamarine winking in the light. "Yes, I am."

"Can I call you Auntie?"

She would have given her left arm to be this child's aunt for real. What a sweetie pie! "We should ask Uncle, first, don't you think?"

Michael nodded.

The house was massive. Her parents had had (maybe still had) a summer home similar to this one, and walking through the floral-papered halls was giving Von flashbacks, down to the nursery little Michael led her into. The room had been decorated to mimic the enchanted forest from a series of children's books about a honey-loving bear and his owl, tiger, kangaroo, pig, and mule friends. She could see a collector's edition of said book series on a white, wooden bookshelf nearest the boy's bed.

The biggest difference between the nursery she, Ailish, and Liam had shared and this one was placement. She and her siblings had shared a nursery just a few doors down from their parents' bedroom. If Aily so much as whimpered in her sleep, Mom would be there in an instant. From the third floor, if Michael needed comforting in the middle of the night, he was a full floor away from his grandmother. That bothered Von a lot.

On his bedside table was a looping image in a digital frame of a beautiful, blue-eyed woman with hair the color of golden oak. She was a blonde, female version of Damian. She even had his face, down to the same hint of a cleft at her chin. She was cradling an infant, her frame dominated by a large, dark-haired alpha cradling her in return. Michael's parents.

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