Chapter 26

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The front of the museum swarmed with photographers lined up on one side of a red carpet. Beefy alphas in dark suits kept the photographers at a predetermined distance from arriving guests.

Damian exited the vehicle and handed his key fob off to the uniformed attendant, then came around the passenger side to open Von's door.

She turned in the seat so as to set her left hand in his, her rings clearly visible to anyone who needed confirmation that they were still together and happily so.

"You realize they're here for you, don't you?" Damian told her, leaning close. "I may as well be invisible."

That compliment caused a warmth to bloom in her core. A thought occurred to her, an additional performance piece for the cameras, she told herself. In reality, she wanted to do it. "Kiss me," she whispered, jerking her chin to the two-dozen people yelling to get their attention. "I think I see photographers over there."

"I think I see them too," he confirmed, grinning.

With an arm braced at her back, he swept her against him and touched his lips to hers in a chaste, respectful show of affection.

Forget that. They were here for a show. She wanted to give them one.

Von, again making sure her rings were visible, caressed Damian's cheek and deepened the kiss, pushing her tongue past his lips and enticing his to play.

Flashes went off one after another, almost blinding in their frequency.

As if this display were the most natural thing in the world, they separated, joining arm-in-arm as he escorted her up the wide staircase of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and into the gala. The museum's cavernous, multi-story interior atrium was crowded with well-dressed couples and alive with conversation. Ostentatious crystal chandeliers cast the space in rich golden light. People strolled on the upper levels, occasionally pausing to look down on the revelers below. A ten-piece orchestra played somewhere close.

"I'll go get us something to drink," Damian said, patting her hand.

No sooner was he out of sight than she heard a sweetly called, "Siobhan?"

She turned around to see the other Mrs. Ambrose making her way over dressed as the thunder god's wife. She couldn't shake the sudden impression that she was a disabled seal being approached by a Great White. "Hello, my dear. Don't you look nice! It's so good to see the two of you out together. I've been seeing so many reports that the two of you had broken up!"

"Faulty reporting, Mother," Damian replied, appearing behind Von with two glasses of champagne. He made sure she saw him take a sip from her glass before he handed it to her.

Von eyed the sparkling wine with a churning stomach, but held on to the glass. If nothing else, she could nurse it and that would keep others from offering her more.

"I keep telling you not to put so much stock in those gossip rags you read," he said, sipping from his own glass.

Von, looking to change the subject, said, "This is quite the gathering, Mrs. Ambrose."

"It seems bigger this year, Mother."

"It is," Minerva Ambrose confirmed. "With this year's cause being school funding, I felt we owed it to our sponsored schools to do it up a little bigger this year - higher profile guests, higher-end items for the silent auction, the works." She offered an uncharacteristic giggle. "Make the rounds, children. Be seen." She turned to do the same, then paused. "Oh, and Damian, Stefan is here. He wanted to offer his congratulations. Be polite."

Von noticed the change in Damian at the mention of that name, like someone had jammed a ramrod down his spine. She vaguely recalled having heard the name before in reference to Damian but couldn't remember the connection. "Who's Stefan?"

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