Chapter 2

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A/N: Hey everyone! I have a confession to make.. tbh I forgot I even wrote this story.. it also explains why I'm not uploading ;-; pls forgive me. I'm pretty much freestyling at this point. Sorry if the story doesn't exactly follow the old plot. I'm trying to make each chapter long enough so you don't have to wait too long for the next chapters. Thank you and enjoy the v long chapter!!


"Hello everyone! I'm Chris Evans your professor for the rest of the school year-

The sound of his voice drifts. Holy shit. This can't be happening right now.

It's really him. I wanna literally die and sink into my chair. 

"Is it really that hot guy from Starbucks?" Jen questions wiggling her eyebrows.

"Ugh yes. Please stop making fun of me." 

"Wow, he is really hot though. You should date him." She jokes.

"Jeez Jen. He's literally like 30." 

"So that's only like 9 years older."

"That IS 9 years older." I'm so immersed in persuading Jen that I don't even realize who has come behind you.

"Is there a problem here ladies?" Professor Evans (Chris) looks down at you with a smirk.

"N-no not at all Chr- I mean professor." I literally wanted to go crawl in a hole and die. 

"Ah Ms. y/l/n (your last name) please come to my office after your classes."

You were about to argue but he just slipped away to the stairs.

"Ooh Mr. or should I say CHriS wants to have some seggsy time after school." She laughs.

"For fuck's sake, shut up Jen." You flip her off laughing.

"I know you love me." She looks at you with an evil grin.

"Unfortunately I do." You sigh.

The whole class you basically just stared outside the window and daydreamed about what it would be like to date Chris.

The bell rings and you all get up. As I walk down the stairs Chris smiles at me and lifts his eyebrows hinting to not forget.

The next class on my schedule was about an hour later. It gave me and Jen some time to get lunch.

"So how'd ya like your first class?" Jen questions.

"Huh? Yeah it was fun I guess."

"Righttt." She rolls her eyes as if it was totally obvious you were ogling the professor the whole class.

"My next class is law with professor Stan." I start to get up.

"Ooh sounds fancy. I'm doing art with Professor Johansson." She nods.

"I'll meet you at the car!" I wave.

"Mkay! I'll text you!" Jen and I both walk to our classes.

I walk into the class. There's a few students chatting in their seats.

"Ah I don't have a friend.." I whisper while sitting down in the very back isle.

Professor EvansWhere stories live. Discover now