Chapter 3

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Hi! Here's the next part/chapter. The other one was too long I cut it and put it here. I hope you like it!

"Come in." I hear.

"Hi. You wanted to see me after class?"

"Hey y/n! No I just wanted to talk." He laughs.

"I hope we can still be friends you know? I can keep my personal and professional life separately so I wont give you any special treatment just because we're close."

"I don't remember being so close. Sir." You add the sir with a bit more sass and a teasing tone.

"Aw alright." He pretends to be sad and we both laugh.

"Ms. Y/N you free right now?"

"Yes professor."

" Wanna grab dinner?"

"Why not." My heart skips a beat when he smiles. Oh no-... Do I like him?

We lock up and I'm about to go call a taxi.

"I have a car." He puts his keys up indicating he actually does have a car.

Chris opens the door for you. What a gentleman. I guess chivalry isn't dead. His car smells so sweet yet it also smells a bit manly. We're driving in silence until he asks,

"So what did you call me this morning? A hot guy?" I almost snort.

"Haha please forget that." I want to cry. Why does he still remember that? So embarrassing..

"I am pretty hot. Don't deny it."

"Hmm over inflated ego? Check."

"Ouch." He laughs.

Chris' laugh is so cute. He always grabs his left boob and makes a ehehe sound. Did I mention how muscular this man is? He has literal man boobs. NO I can't think of a professor that way. We can only maintain a friend and student teacher relationship. Nothing more. But he's so drea-

"Y/N you good?"

"Huh yeah." I think I've been staring at his face for quite a while. My face heats up and I apologize.

"Can we stop by my house for a second? Its about 2 mins from the diner."

"Yep that's totally fine."

A few more mins pass. We're at his condo? house? apartment? I don't really know what to call it. He gets out of the car and you're waiting.

"Hey aren't you coming?"

In his house????

"Uh yep." I climb out of the car.

"We can walk to the diner after." He says excitedly.

We walk up the stairs to this really nice duplex, I think is the correct name. Chris opens the door and an excited dog comes running at you.

"Hey bubs!" I giggle as he jumps on me and licks my face.

"Hey Dodge. Let the poor girl in." He laughs.

In a somewhat guilty way, the dog looks down and walks in so you can come inside.

"Seems like he likes you more than me. His name is Dodger if you were wondering."

"I love dogs. I think they're too much work though. So I own a cat for now." I show him pictures as he awws and smile at them.

"Your house is really nice."

"Thank you. You can explore the house. I'm going to go get changed. " Chris puts food in Dodger's bowl and I nod.

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