Chapter 6

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I know you all have been waiting for a while. Here is the chapter :) I hope you like it!!

"What the hell are you two talking about? Why are we dating Tom? Can someone please explain what is going on?"

"I- I like you y/n."

"You what?" I am utterly baffled by this remark.

"I like you y/n." Tom says again

"I'm so sorry ch- professor we'll go talk about this outside."


I helplessly watch y/n drag tom out of my office. Tom got to her first.. they're probably making out in the halls by now.
Of course. Who am I kidding? Why would a beautiful, smart, kind girl like y/n like me?

I'm also way older than her and Tom is smart, hot, and the same age as y/n. Why did I ever think this was possible. Now y/n probably won't even be friends.


" Tom why did you say that you liked me?"

"Because it's true."

"Since when??"

"Around the time we met."

" I'm sorry Tom but I can't accept your feelings I have someone I like."

"Who y/n? Is it professor Evans?"

I am shocked. How did he know? I hope he doesn't tell everyone and get Chris fired.

"No why would I like a professor?"

"I don't know y/n. But would you go on one date with me and see how it is?"

"No Tom I already told you I have someone I like."

"Okay well be careful, because if it is him you could get in big trouble." Tom walks away.

Was he always this much of a jerk?


"I'm sorry Tom but I have someone I like."

Who could it be?? I wasn't trying to snoop but it just makes me so curious.

"Who y/n is it professor Evans?"

There is a pause. Does she like me back?

"No, why would I like a professor?"

"I don't know y/n. But would you go on one date with me and see how it is?"

I back away from the door and slump down in my chair. I guess I was right. She doesn't like me and never will.


After Tom walks out I knock on Chris' office.

"Come in." I hear.

"Hey professor Evan-

"So I'm professor Evans now?"

"What?" I ask confused.

"Y/N I thought we were friends."

Friends. He said friends again.

"We are friends why are you acting so weird all of a sudden."


"Why didn't you tell me you were dating Tom?"

"First of all I'm not dating Tom, and second of all, just because we're friends doesn't mean I have to tell you every detail of my life. I need my own privacy. I'll see you tomorrow PROFESSOR EVANS." She says as she accentuates the professor part and rushes out.

Oh my god. I messed up. Again! Why couldn't I wait a bit more?


Wow, Chris is acting like a dick too.

"Why is my life shit today?" I question as I grab the pencil case I was looking for and dash out the lecture hall.

I get my dorm and I sigh.

"Why can't we be more than friends? Does he despise me that much?" I hate that I can think about him after all this and I hate that I know the answer to my questions.

Could this day get any worse?

Update: It did get worse. I went into the coffee shop and saw Chris AND Tom.

I walked into my usual coffee shop and saw Tom.

"Hell naw I ain't dealing with this shit right now." I mutter as I try to slip out.

"Y/N! Please wait! I need to talk to you!"

Run. I try to navigate my way through the cafe and what do you know? I walk straight into Chris. How is this even possible? Is this some teen movie? If so, please get me out of it.

"Y/N?" Chris looks down at me trying to compose myself.

"Y/N- Oh hello professor." Tom says in a somewhat angry tone.

"Sorry for this. Come on y/n." Tom grabs my wrist and tries to pull me.

"Why are you dragging y/n away?" Chris grabs the other wrist.

"Guys stop!" I break out of their grasps and step back.

I was so mad to the point their shocked faces weren't funny.

"Sorry." They both mutter.

"Now, I will be on my way. Excuse me." I somehow got through that situation without crying and being overwhelmed. Well done y/n.

"Men.." I walk into the house and grab a bottle of beer from the fridge.


"Women..." They're so complicated.

At least that's what I think. It may just be me.

I finally get out of the coffee shop. As I walk towards my car I see a small box. 'For free' is scribbled on the front as if the person was leaving in a hurry. I was about to leave when I heard a meow.

I check inside the box and as I suspected I see a baby kitten. It was shivering in the corner with a piece of cloth. My heart melts but also breaks at this adorable and sad sight.

"I guess we'll be taking you to the vet little guy."

few mins later

"So we ran some tests on him and he's all clear. There is no microchip or collar so if you would fill out this form you can take this guy home." The vet smiles.

"I wasn't planning on getting a cat, guess I am now." I joke.

on the car ride home

"Now what should I name you? You seem like a tabby and you're pretty orange so how about... Simba?" He meows as if he approves and I scratch his tiny head.

I open the door with the tiny life form in my hand.

"Be nice Dodger." I warn at him bounding down the stairs.

Dodger immediately stops in front and sniffs Simba.

"Simba meet Dodger, Dodger meet Simba." All of a sudden Dodger barks, picks Simba up, and plops him down on his bed.

I hear a knock and a ding-dong.

"Hello?" I open the door and a drunk y/n falls into my arms.

A/N Ughhh sorry for taking so long. I'm trying my best. My sleep schedule is so messed up and I am so so busy. I wanna get in at least a thousand words in one chapter so you guys have something to read after waiting for so long. Thank you for being patient and I hope you enjoyed today's chapter!!

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