Chapter 4

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If you guys have any photos of Chris you want me to add please send them through the message function or through a link in the comment. I'm going to start doing subtle pov changes throughout the story so just keep that in mind. Thank you for all the love and support and waiting while I uploaded. :') I genuinely appreciate all the comments. Enjoy the chapter!

"Promise you wont tell anyone?" Chris nods.

"I would never." He puts his hand over his heart and raises the other. So adorable and he's also my Professor and FRIEND. Key word: friend. I just smile and pretend I wasn't staring.


y/n starts her story...

"So I met my boyfriend in my junior year of high school and he was amazing at first. He never missed any holidays or taking me out of a date. We even bought each other gifts for our birthday's. But as time went by he started to make excuses and missed dates, birthdays, and had secrets about where he was going.

I get that people have their own secrets but one time he told me he was going to work late so he would take a raincheck. 20 mins later I'm at a bar and I see him with a random girl. He explained that it was just a work colleague and they were grabbing drinks after work. One day I left my clothes at his house but when I came back I saw him with the supposedly "colleague".

Colleague my ass. I dumped him and he called and texted so I blocked him and got a new number."

"Wow what an asshole. Why would anyone do something to an amazing person like you."

"Aww Chrisss you really think I'm an amazing person?"

"Yes you're absolutely brilliant, gorgeous and funny. I just wish we can stay friends. Maybe more. But that's wrong. I'm your professor. It will never happen right?"

I wanted to say exactly that but that was unfortunately all in my head. So I just went with the other response.

"Of course! You're such a pretty, funny and sweet friend. I hope you never go through that again. If you see your ex again call me. I'll be on my way to kick his ass wherever that will be."

"Thank you and I genuinely mean it. You're a great friend too."  She says looking slightly upset.

"We should go now. Do you live far?" I ask, slightly concerned.

"Not really. It's probably like a 10 min drive."

"Wanna go for a quick ride and I'll take you home?"

"Can we?"

Gosh she looks like a cute and excited puppy.

"Why not."

I we walk out after paying and hop on the motorcycle. She once again wraps her arms around my torso, leans her head against my back. I smile. Not a small grin or smirk. An actual happy, bubbly smile. I think I'm falling for her.


I feel like I'm in the movie Lala land, Chris is Sebastian and I'm Mia. I watch the night sky as we take the cliche scenic route. Honestly I don't believe in happy endings or soulmates. Maybe because it's too perfect and never worked out for me.

We stop. The view is breathtaking. We're on a bridge and I see the water and city lights afar. I feel all fuzzy and warm.

"Hey." Chris turns his head to face me.

"Hey." I probably look like a troll from all the wind and the oversized bike helmet.

"Can I take a few pictures? " I ask.

"Sure. Want me to take a few with you and us?" I nod with a grin on my face.

I'm not a big social media person but I upload sometimes for content. Chris takes a few of me and we take a few selfies together. I even managed to capture some silhouettes of Chris.

"Can you send me the one with you and both of us?"

"Mine too?"

"Contact picture. Not gonna lie. You look pretty good in these."

"Not gonna lie but you look pretty good in these." You basically just repeat his words and Chris chuckles.

I love when laughs. The way his vocal chords just ring as his tone drops low and emits a deep, beautiful,  laugh. The way he smiles is so bright. Literally though. How can a man's teeth be so perfect and white? It's blinding.

I send the photos and we get back on and he takes me to my house.

"Thank you for such a nice evening."

"It was my pleasure. I hope we can hang out like this again."

He obviously gets off his bike and deals with the hassle of bringing you to the front of your apartment. Just to make sure you get in safe.

"I guess this is it for today. I'll see you tomorrow in class!"

"Yes sir." I smirk.

"Yes ma'am." He smirks.

As soon as I close the door I realize. I like Chris. Also my professor.


As soon as she closes the door I realize. I like Y/N. Also my student.


  We all know it's not going to happen but i set my alarm early so I can wake up.

"Hey you're back! Hot date with professor Evans??" Jen exclaims.

"No Chris and I are just friends and we had dinner and went on a ride."

"Ooh what did you ride?" She smirks.

"A motorcycle. Not what you're thinking."

I post the pictures of me and a picture of Chris' silhouette. I caption it 🏙💡 .

"Woah that's a really nice photo of who's that? Professor Evans? Or should I say Chris?"

"Yeah." I slightly smile

"I don't have anything against you two but just be careful okay?" She says


The next day

I walk into the English lecture hall with giddy. I payed a little more attention on my makeup and outfit.

"Excited now aren't we?" Jen questions and I giggle.

We wait for a little bit and the teacher or Chris ;) walks in and looks right at you for a second and smirks. I feel so bubbly and I feel the blush creeping up my cheeks. Then I realized. Holy shit. I'm actually falling for my teacher.

Hi everyone!! I always apologizing for this but I am trying my best to upload as much as possible. I am very busy so thank you for waiting and understanding (or not haha). I always write till I find a good ending and then I continue the next chapter and when I'm about half way through the chapter I post the one that was already done (so on and so forth). I hope you enjoyed the chapter though!

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