Chapter 5

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Sorry I forgot to upload again 😭 "THE STORY IS SO SLOWW!" You may think. But I'm trying to build up as much as I can and start to get some progress going. Please bear with me and enjoy the chapter!

Chris ;) walks in and looks right at you for a second and smirks. I feel so bubbly and I feel the blush creeping up my cheeks. Then I realized. Holy shit. I'm actually falling for my teacher.

After class as I walk out the door...

"Nonononononono. This cannot be happening." I start pacing outside the class.  

"What can't be happening?" A smiling Chris looks at me and I jump.

"Holy mother fu-" I exclaim.

"Oops sorry. Didn't know you would be that scared."

"Sorry that was all me."

"What's up?" He questions.

"No no it's nothing.

"You can tell me you know?" He motions to his office and we sit down.

"So there is this guy I like. Let's call him Frank. We're like best friends but sometimes I feel like he's flirting with me and sometimes I am with him. I do like him but I don't know if I'm just taking it as a flirty kind of way when he means it in a friend kind of way? I'm so confused. I can't tell if he likes me or not. If I tell him I like him and he doesn't like me back I don't think we can even be friends because of the awkwardness an-

"Woah. Slow won y/n. Calm yourself. So do you like this boy or not?" He says

"I do. Bu-

"Then tell him you like him. No buts and no what ifs. You can't just stay like that. If he doesn't like you back I'm pretty sure he would take you back as a friend. You didn't ask yet so you wouldn't know right?"

"Yep. You're so right. Thank you Chris."

"No problem. Anytime." He scratches the back of his head in frustration as you get up and walk out of the door.

Chris' Pov

Shoot. Who is this Frank guy? Couldn't be him. Gosh this was torturing him. Why couldn't he just tell her how he felt. "I waited too long. Another guy came and she already likes him. Dammit." I whisper.

During class

"You okay professor?" Tom, one of y/n'a friends ask.

"Ah yes I'm just a little out of it. No worries."

"Yep. Feel better sir."

"Thank you Tom." Hold on...what if Tom's the one that y/n likes? I walk up to him.

"Hey um can we meet after class?" He whisper as quietly as possible.

"Sure." I respond.

I wondered what he was going to talk to me about. Tom was a pretty nice guy so y/n was lucky to have him but the way he stuck around her all the time kind of made me question if they were actually dating or not.

I mean they seemed like a couple but Y/N followed me to the diner and my house. I don't think someone with a boyfriend would do that.

"Hey Professor." Tom walks in my office after class.

"Hey Tom what did you want to talk about?" I'm slightly concerned.

"Do you like y/n?"

shit. oh no. okay. stay calm.

"Um no? Why?"

"You seem really suspicious. Hanging out with her and all."

"Are you guys dating?" I ask.

Tom's POV

"Yeah in fact we are and I really like y/n." NO TOM YOU DUNCE!

"Oh cool." He responds.

not oh cool... y/n said she didn't have a boyfriend. What if Mr. Evans asks her and she says no?


I walk to the classroom because I lost my pencil case.

"I hope it's there." I whisper as I go into the empty classroom.

"Are you guys dating?" I hear a voice from Chris' office. I go over and see Chris and Tom having a long discussion.

"Yeah in fact we are and I really like y/n" What the fuck is this discussion. I just burst through the doors


"Ms. Y/L/N..."

"What the hell are you two talking about? Why are we dating Tom? Can someone please explain what is going on?"

"I- I like you y/n."

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