A Sorrowful Heart

908 37 32

Written; August 11

Do you hate Eren's character trait in this story?


A Sorrowful Heart

     It's cold, it's Dark, it's poisonous. The world is cruel and everyone is viscious and cunning. A world where evil and good are put together and the bad devour the good.  The bad threatens the good and the good is overshadowed.

Life was a cycle of pain and happiness and everyone has their own destiny.

A destiny to die a Sorrowful death or to die with a happy smile on your face. He would never forget the day his dearest grandmother died , he was just a four years old kid but the memory left a scar on his heart and memory on his brain. His grandmother's last kiss and her last smile.

She died with a smile on her face , even if her head was decapitated out of her body.

He couldn't accept that, he will never accept that.

He stood up from his seat after Mikasa finished cleaning his wounds and putting a gauze on it. She observed him from the floor she is sitting, seriously, highly alerted if he suddenly swang her sword at her.

The sun were set soon, hiding from them, the sea will soon swallow the bright sun.

They didn't talk the whole time Mikasa was cleaning his wound. They like it that way and it will stay that way, Mikasa conclude.

She would never give herself to him, for this is for her husband. Her mother thought her, purity was given only to the plan you plan to stay with for the rest of your life, in a way to honor and respect your husband. She will stab him if needed, fight as much as she could -- that is why a knife was always hidden behind the clothes she is wearing and under her bed, Incase.

She look at him as he stared at the sea with cautious eyes and curious mind. He was hard to read and he had a wall built up so high around himself, protecting him from all the destructive things in the world.

Eren was like a hardened gold. He was pure and true. Pure in the sense of his judgements  and to his decisions. True, to his nature. His nature was to kill and he embraced the darkness of his life with his dark heart.


"Hey, Yui!" A five years old Eren called his mother's sister, his personal maid and the one who looks after him and his mother.
His mother as in the tower, taken forcefully away from him.

The young man, a twenty five years old man with no partner in life who devoted himself for looking after him and his mother. The young man, Yui, smiled at him, showing his perfectly white teeth and humming.

"Why did mother left me? Don't she want me?"

" What are you talking about? Ofcourse she wanted you, would she five birth to you if she hate you?"

" Then, why is she up in the tower?"

"Sister is sick, her sickness is contagious and she didn't want you to be sick too." Yui answered,
avoiding eye contact with the young boy. He was lying if he looks away , the young boy knew him very well but the boy didn't say anything about it.

He knew Yui didn't want to talk about it, " Yui, what is pain?"


"I heard the servants talk about it infront of my chamber."

" Eh?"

" What is pain? I heard them talk about death."

" Mm..how would I explain it to you?" Yui smiled at him, " Pain is when you get a wound and it hurts. Pain is sometimes associated with the heart, when you felt like it was squeezing and it's hard to breath. It was heavy."

" I don't feel pain but I feel lonely in my heart. Mother is gone , grandmother is gone too, brother doesn't like me, Father didn't care about me. Do you hate me too?"

" No, I could never hate you." Yui smiled at him and the boy smiled too. "Thank you for being here with me Yui. You are the only person who had been there for me throughout the hardest times."

A few months later

" Yui!" The boy grinned , he caught a fish and he will give it to him. To the most important person on his life. Then, suddenly, he was on his father's office.

"I can't do that , he is important to me." That sounds like Yui's voice. Eren leaned closer to the door.

"You will do it, I can't afford to have a failure as a son."

" Prince Grisha!" Yui screamed , " The old king wouldn't like that."

"Something he didn't know wouldn't hurt him. You will do it, no matter what Yui."

" But..."

He left , what is that supposed to mean ? Why is Yui shouting while talking to his father?

Eren was on his usual spot , up the castle where he can see  the shining stars that amazes him tremendously.

"Mother, how many stars are up there?" He monologue, " Do you think we can count it?"

His mother wasn't there for him and his heart sank,he want to cry but no tears spilled. It was as if , he was tired of crying all the time , his grieving heard wouldn't let him.

Suddenly , he heard a shing of metals being swayed around. He became terrified , if it was assassin's how would he defend himself? He was only holding his precious dagger , a dagger given to him by his mother.

" Eren, I wouldn't be around for you everyday. I wouldn't be able to protect you always when I'm on the tower . So please use this dagger to protect yourself."  He remembered his mother's words and he quickly brought out his dagger. Without warning, he throw the dagger to the person  as hard as he could and he use the wood around him  to hit the person's head. He hit him repeatedly.

When the person is not responding anymore, he took the mask off his face and he stubled when he saw the familiar face.

"Yui?" His lips quivered , the familiar feeling of tightness is in his heart again, "Why would you do that?"

"It's just that Eren whenever I'm seeing you, I'm seeing my sister too."

" Mama?"

" I don't want to see her on a monster like you. My sister was a bright woman , a waitress. We're poor but we're happy..." He was having a hard time breathing, his neck and head was hit by the boy.
"My sister didn't want to marry your father and she didn't want you too, yes, she had protected you but it was just an obligation and not out of love."

" But Mama loves me. She told me she love me." He cried, clutching his hair with his bare hands.

"She was obligated to love you but I know my sister never wanted you." His breathing became Erratic , blood spilling on the ground. " I'm so----"

He's dead.

No one loves him, even the people he thought loves him , he looks at the tower. His mother was there and she will be waiting for him even if she didn't want him because that's what she told him.


Like that flashback my dear?

I'm a girl, yeah, Incase you would like to know.

Baby, this chapter is fine. Alright, ok.

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