The Beginning of the End V

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The beginning of the End V

     "The scrolls, it's all gone!" The palace messenger shouted while looking at the empty cabinet in the library, fear and nervousness visible in his eyes. The messenger sweat , he rub his hands on the clothes he is wearing, hoping to get rid of the sweat. His heart raising fast as his eyes shake while looking at the empty cabinet.

" Ok, calm down. Calm down, everything will be fine. I will find it by the end of the day."

  A man walks in, the Prime Minister of the country.
" Perhaps, you should tell the King, his anger might not be too much."

He told the king and now, he had the whole country searching for the scroll they will never find again.  "...but you might die if you did mm.." the minister said before he report to the king, walking closer towards the poor messenger. " All the nasty secrets of this Palace is written there, if all of those were to be discovered by the council even the king would be punished."  The prime Minister said in a fake nonchalant voice, " So you better find it or you will die with the king."

"...but won't you die with us too if that happened?"

The Prime Minister stop, " Right, I will but I have always been prepared for it after all I have nothing in this world to leave behind."
The Prime Minister smiled at him, " Ok, good luck."

The Prime Minister left. The messenger then went to the Palace with all the bravery he has in his pocket.

"My king, The scrolls are missing." He said while closing his eyes.

"Are  you serious right now? That can't be true, How the heck is the scripture missing. If that goes in the wrong hand, it's the end. You know the council, even if I am a King they could kick me out. That's why I move so secretly and now it's missing, if you can't find it until tomorrow expect yourself to be executed." He angrily said to the shaking messenger. The messenger left and began finding it then.


"A war?" Eren look at the sky and thinks, " I don't think a war is needed here. I just need to bring him down using this scroll. I read the content and it's enough evidence to bring the King down, the punishment for his sins will be severe." He talked,

" I think a decapitation or stomping his head with an elephant Foot."   He talk about it like it's a normal thing because first of all, it was normal. In this kind of time, the punishment were so severe that only the bravest of the bravest will face it even him wouldn't like to face such painful death so he tried not to make mistakes when he was younger except it was hard, everyone See's are only his mistakes, that is why he had that scar across his right eye. That moment when his father told him to stand up and fight him. Eren traced the scar in his right eye, annoyed. He hated this scar so much, the scar across his eyes is like a defamation for the people.

He tried, he tried so hard before. It's depressing how hard he tried before yet all of them turning into dislike and hatred.  "You should die..." He said while looking at the mirror but no, he wànt talking about himself. He was talking about his grandmother's killer. The man who put the sword in his grandmother's neck and to the one who is the Mastermind if it all. " Whatever it was, you are a pathetic person. You should die."

He washed his face and look at the mirror, his eyes were angry as he looks at the mirror.

" Die, die , die. You don't deserve to live."  However, he also wants him to live because he wants him to beg, to beg that he should kill him. Unfortunately, he wasn't that cruel. He still wants him to live.

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