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       The small ship arrive at the Island late that night, the people welcome them with a warm smile on their faces, looking at the foreigners with amusement. To be fair, the only person that they know that has a blonde hair is Armin Arlert so to them, it was quiet a sight to look at. The people look at them up and down. Annie look at Armin then whispered, " Are they always like that?"

" Not really, it's just the first time they saw people with blonde hairs, I was the only one they had seen that has a blonde hair. It was queit a sight for them. "

" Oh, but how? "

" It's because it's been so long since this is founded and no other blonde people live her exeot me. Don't worry about it, they don't bite. "

" Ok, " Annie replied with a nod,
" I was just wondering. They were so weird while staring. "

" Are you that uncomfortable? " Armin said in worry but Annie just smiled at him and tuck her hair behind her ears. " Oh no, I love all this attention."

Armin laughs awkwardly at her, " If you say so, I have a small but in here where you and your family could stay. I'll just build for all of you tommorow or so?"

" This is too much young man." The father said but Armin just shake his head with a smile on his face. "It's really alright, It's for the family of the woman I love."

Annie slightly blushed at that,
" Armin, don't say that."

" Don't say what? I can express my emotions freely Annie." He chuckled as Annie's blush worsen.

" You should get used to it."

" ...Isn't this also the Place Eren Yeager lives?" Annie ask curiously, Armin nodded enthusiastically at her.

" Yes, yes. He founded this island for us to live in. We are all thankful of him even though his ways is queit questionable."

" Won't he get mad that we stay here?" Annie ask again and Armin shakes his head. " No, it would be fine. I sent a notice to him before I rescued you, I'm sorry I am late though." He said sincerely. Annie shakes her head, " Oh no, you don't have to be sorry. It's not your fault, I'm grateful that you found us and help us."

They walk to Armin's house and Armin opened the door for them, turning the candles on with a match. " Well, this is it. Enjoy your stay here, I guess. I still have something to do Mr. and Mrs. Leonhart."  Armin left them to talk after that.

" Such a fine and gentle young man, are you sure you and him aren't anything in Particular?" Mrs. Leonhart ask as Annie blushed again, but she quickly hide it before her mom even notice it being there.

"No ofcourse not mother, he is just  being a gentleman towards me."

" He would be a perfect match for you, my dear Annie." The father talks as he look slat the door. Annie made a face as she sat on the bed.

" Well, he is a great man and in the short time that I'm with him, I feel really comfortable. " She said those words fondly, " Well, we should go to sleep it's late now."

" Yeah, but I wonder what happened to Paradis? "


" Eren?" Armin knocked on Eren's door, it was.late night and the wind is so called that even when he has a thick coat, he still shivers.  He took a deep breath, one more knock and Eren don't open it, he would kick the door and punch Eren's face for making him wait.

"Eren, are you here?"

He said once more after knocking. The door finally opened and he was welcomed by a very unpresentable looking man. To describe it all, he looks like he haven't slept for days and hasn't bath ever since. He looks -- ugly? Armin sighed after seeing how he looks like.

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