Until the End III [ Final ] - A Happy Ever After

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Until the End III [ Final ] - A Happy Ever After

     The arise of the Nations and the new bond that they created with certain rules to keep them all in check, the unity of the three nations couldn't even be imagine by the three great nations but here they are fulfilling the terms and agreements. The new leader of Hizuru, Emperor Levi Ackerman with his wife Lady Hange, The Queen of Paradis Historia Reiss and the King of Marley Eren Yeager is together as they sign a unity agreement, no more war will happen between their countries as long as they are alive.

"May the goddess Ymir bless this countries as we led our nation to a new Era." Emperor Levi said as he held his Copita.
"A toast to the unity of our nations."

Everyone raised their copita as they cheered about their new unity, Everyone is happy , as if what happened before never happened and there is no hatred between all of them.

"A toast to the new Era." The people said as they began drinking and music began playing on their background.

"A new Era huh?" Armin said as he sway his copita, never spilling a drink while thinking to himself. A new Era of peace, how nice would that be? They won't need a stupud sword fight and everything would be under control, would that be guaranteed? He ask himself but he couldn't answer it so he sighs and jist look at the moon.

" Armin. " She heard her voice calling for him, the blonde woman stood beside him.

"Why are you here?"

"Is it bad to stay here?"

" No, but the Party is inside the household. " Annie said as she look at him. " Are you not feeling fine? "

"I'm fine, I just want to stay here for a while, it's noisy inside the palace so I stayed here."

She smiled at him. "Right." She agreed, Annie stared at his smiling face and wondered why he has a big smile on his face.

He look very handsome, Enchanting, his beauty couldn't be compared to anyone because his beauty is exceptional for her, a unique type of beauty.

"The moon is pretty isn't?" Armin look up at the sky and Annie did the same too, when she realized what he meant by those words, she smiled at him.

"Indeed."  The two of them stayed like that until they decided tgat it is time to go back inside the palace.

"How do you find this place Annie?"

"It's very beautiful, I didn't know Marley is this pretty. I've heard from people before that it is not a pretty place."

Annie is born and raised in Paradis and had never left the country before until it's downfall and her family is forced to flee. Armin look at her and smile.

" Annie…." He spoke. "Do you think in the future I could have my own family?"  He had a bright smile on his face. "I feel like it's already late for me to have my own family."
Annie look at him with utter shock, she couldn't believe his words. "I might as well die alone."

It's as if he doesn't consider her by his side, Annie look at him in sadness but she didn't say anything as he continue rambling as she listen to him. "I think I'm not going to be a good parent." He sighs to himself.
"What do you think Annie?"

Annie look at him in disbelief as she sigh disheartedly.  "I can't believe that I will hear such sad words from you."
She took a deep breath.
"You are the most amazing man that I've ever met my whole life, you are fascinating and it kept me wanting to meet you over and over again even made me fall inlove with you. You always look so bright so I thought, I thought you will never have such sad thoughts."

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