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A week after she had settled in her new, small room in the bustling city of Seoul, the first snow of the year began to fall. Tiny dissolving snowflakes slowly dropped, never at the same pace. Watching one falling swiftly on the palm of her hands, she wondered that if she were to be among them, how long will it take for her to reach the ground...or someone else's palm? 

Winter really does have one feeling sentimental - I always thought they exaggerated it a little in all those Christmas movies!

Feeling the little tingle of the cold, Lisa wiped it away and puts on the knitted gloves Jennie had gifted her before she moved out. She will only be ten minutes away from Jennie and Taehyung's apartment, but the 'unnie' cried as if they'll be world's apart. Haish...she's so cute! I'm so lucky to have her caring about me so much!

Lisa never had any sisterly role-model before, and now that she'd been comforted and taken care of so well, she wished she had moved to Auckland sooner. The two have been spending almost every waking time together since they got to Seoul. It's been 1 month and a half, and on top of seeing each other whenever they meet at the living room or kitchen, Jennie would follow her on every job hunting session. 

Now that she's landed the role of Junior Photographer at a creative agency, the woman finally agreed on letting Lisa out of her sight. Not that Lisa felt trapped in any way of course - Jennie and Taehyung had been nothing but accommodative as they promised to be even when she never asked them to! They let her stay in their double-storey apartment, always including her in their breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, and always asked if she's okay. 

When was the last time I've been taken care of so carefully? So different than my relatives and friends back at home... 

Taehyung even helped out on finding work for her - although it was quite hard for someone in the export business to ask around for someone with a creative background! He tried his best though...so Lisa gave her thanks in the form of a feather-shaped tie clip before she left. Of course, Jennie loved that it could be paired with the same feather-sculpted hair pin she got her! 

They really are perfect for each other, she thought. It was quite melancholic for her to watch them every single day, ever since she met them in Auckland. Taehyung's natural serious and wise demeanor was balanced with his wife's sass and quick wits. Jennie always made him laugh and it's always a beautiful sight to be seeing.

It gotten Lisa looking back on why it wouldn't work out with her ex-fiancé and it made her feel a little better that the wedding didn't happen. She used to think that they were the same, even after 5 years of being together. But with the distance, time, and watching these married couple who are probably meant for the heavens, she began recollecting the little pieces of her own indifferences.

We hardly laugh together anymore. He used to look into my eyes when we talked...I used to catch his stare when we didn't. He stopped sharing thoughts when he started working with his dad. I used to think it was just a stressful phase...then I guess I got used to it. Maybe they were right. Maybe he did have someone else. Or maybe we're just not meant to be -

A slight bump on her shoulder stopped her tracks. Lisa looks down to the recycled bag filled with snacks that had fallen off her hand. 

"I'm sorry," A man's voice appeared and she saw him already bending down. "I'm so sorry, miss,"

With a small smile, she said the same while bending down to pick the items altogether and place them back into the bag. A hand reached out with her chocolate milk carton, and she took it with a 'thank you'. Nodding one last time after scanning around the ground, she got back up and grinned at the guy. Wearing a black cap and a mask, he stood still as if waiting for her to say something.

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