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42 hours. Almost 42 fucking hours! - and he wasn't even close at getting her to see him, let alone speak to him! He didn't think that she'd act so extreme when he allowed her to leave him so helplessly at the club the other night. 

She was too calm...incredibly brazen...and fucking sexy! I knew she's gonna take the time to torture me with it but how the hell could I tell if she was gonna pack a bag and sleeps someplace else?? By the time Jungkook got back home an hour later, the house was in looming silence. Most of her stuff were there but not her. 

He found a piece of paper on the kitchen counter with her handwriting of, 'I've fed Love his meds for the night. The next one should be at 10am tomorrow. Don't forget. And don't skip your meals. Take care of yourself and the boys. I'll come back in a couple of days.'

A couple of days... He had been fine in living alone. He had been alright with the house only echoing his footsteps around but ever since her presence went missing, the silence was deafening...and unsettling. It seems that Love is missing her too since he can't stop whimpering. I mean...if she can't feel sorry for me, why can't she think of the boys? Love's already having a fever, isn't she worried about him at least??

Since she's not picking up his calls, the first person he called for was Jimin. The wife said that Lisa had asked if she could stay at the old apartment for a few days that night, so he went to find her and bring her back but it's pointless. She could be hiding but he was almost 99% sure that Lisa wasn't at the house during the 3 times that he dropped by.

He tried to find her at the studio too but all he got was 'didn't she tell you that she has a photoshoot today?' from Sae Ron yesterday. It's frustrating and shortly, the soirée of her dance studio launch will begin. Maybe she's been too busy with her project and the set up that she hadn't spend much time at home, and that's why his knocks weren't answered? Haistt all this assumptions don't make things right!

Fixing his sleek, combed hair on the rearview mirror, Jungkook preps himself for what's to come. Wearing a black bomber jacket on top of his white shirt and black jeans, he checked the Rolex on him - hoping that their presence will somehow soften her heart, even a little when he shows up unannounced today.

Of course she knew that I'll be coming - why am I so worried?? It's an important day for her - a celebratory day for us! She can't chase me out - we started this together! Plus, she promised to introduce me to her parents. She didn't change her mind, right? No, I won't allow her!! 

He didn't have to search deep within him to know that he has a lot to be sorry for. All the arguments...and the misunderstanding - he didn't think that it'll be a big deal for her. I wasn't flirting...though it might look like I was - jeez...I could've had the best birthday of my life if it wasn't cus of that blonde!! 

Still, he's thankful that she didn't storm off without seeing him that night. It could have been a much worse scenario if she did...to be keeping things to herself like before. At least she said it out loud - and looked so fucking hot doing it! She just needed some time...so she can't change her mind, right?

Peeking into the studio, he tells himself again to not worry too much. That Lisa leaving the house wasn't a sign of them breaking up or apart...that she just needed some space to cool down. When he entered, the only familiar face he found was Sae Ron. Are Jimin and her friends not here yet? What about her parents?

Sae Ron was talking to two guests and when she saw him, her beaming smile and twinkling eyes made him feel a little better. My girl hadn't bitch about me to this one so I'm safe...for now! Passing by the many congratulatory flower standees, he spotted the one he sent this morning - standing proudly by the reception counter. It upped his confidence level by a notch because at least she didn't throw it away -

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