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"I swear to God if you're only coming here to ask me this -" Jungkook smirked as he dodged between the shoulders towards his office. 

"You said you trusted me!" Jimin - who's following closely behind shouts back. The loud, blasting music died the instant they closed the door.

"I never said that!"

"You said I can find anyone for you -"

"No, I didn't. You said it," He took his seat and Jimin sighed before taking the one opposite him.

"You didn't say 'no', so that means you agreed,"

"Under which law??" He scoffed. "Do you think I can't get anyone on my own? I run a freaking night club for God's sake! Have you not seen me shirtless - I can get a date for your wedding now if you decided to do it within the next five minutes -"

"It's not just - aishh!!" Jimin ruffled his hair, obviously irritated at the letdown. "Look, I'm worried about you. You haven't gone out with anyone since Sana and you've been working too hard. Of course you can get anyone at any nights you want but...come on, you can't expect a long-term relationship with someone you meet at the club -"

Jeez...this guy can be a prick - why did I always forget it? "Are you judging my guests, Jimin-ssi?" He chuckled. "Listen...why don't you just be honest. How bout that? I might re-consider -"

"It's Chaeyoung's housemate. She's worried about the girl the same way I'm worried about you. It's been 7 months, Kook. The club is running good with or without you around - you don't have to always lock yourself in here,"

"I'm not locking myself up - who said I'm locking myself up?" Whether I date or not - it's by my own choice! I know who I want, I'm just waiting for the next opportunity I get! One year max - that's how long I'll wait!


"Ahh...speaking of who, I might fire her," Jungkook ignored the gaping friend. "She's shit at her job and she's always coming in here, trying to get me drunk. Why do you think that is?"

Jimin gasped scandalously. "No way!! She...likes you?"

"Hell - if that's the case, I have no idea why she'd think it's mutual! I treated her the same as how I treated my other staff - probably worse. You should tell her to do her job properly, it's been five fucking months and she's still doing stupid mistakes! Did you know she double-booked a room four times already? The last was last week -"

"Fine, I'll talk to her! Now...Chaeyoung's housemate -"

Jungkook laughed out loud. "You gave me Nancy! How can I trust you with this girl - whoever she is? She's probably just another weirdo and I'll be stuck for an hour with her at least -"

"Chae said she's nice and cool. I've seen her a couple of times before but never actually spoken to her. But I can tell you -" Jimin leaned closer. "She's fucking pretty,"

"Are you scared I'll send in tapes to your fiancé? Is that why you're whispering?"

"Dammit Kook - just do this for me!! I promised her I'll introduce a good guy and you're the only good, single guy left!"

"Good guy eyh? You sure bout that?" He chuckled and saw the rolling eyes.

"I'm getting married in two months - just consider this your wedding gift to me,"

Jungkook's groan was filled with annoyance. He should've known that this whiny friend would eventually keep to his words - drunk or not! Why - why didn't I say 'no' before?? 

"Fine! But I'm warning you, if she's boring as fuck I'll leave in half an hour,"


She's still confused as to how Chaeyoung had managed to convince her to be here. Weren't they talking about the patisseries at that cafe Chaeyoung visited after her wedding dress fitting? How exactly did it turned out into getting me to agree about this blind date?

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