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If this wasn't the case...I wonder...how many months, years, must we put between us to prove that we are no longer in love? How many nights will I cry myself to sleep...wondering what I did wrong in days that led me howling to the moon? Time has been a testament to my loyalty...my unyielding patience before, why am I hoping it ends now? 3 seconds...I'll wait for 3 seconds more.

From the reflection of her self in the mirror, Lisa stared down at the bouquet in her hand. I hate this thing! I hate that I'm forced to hold it! She took another deep breath before looking back up - to the chaos reflected behind her. The next 3 seconds have passed, but nothing changed. Loud, crying women are pacing back and forth as if they're stuck right in her shoes, unsure of what to do. She's wondering if she should laugh in all her bitterness...but then there's her mother.

Mommy...my beautiful, graceful mommy...please, don't cry.

"What - what can we do now?! What do we tell the guests?? Oh...this is so embarrassing!" Her aunt cried, over and over. A part of her feels bad for Aunt Hansa, but another part is still annoyed about the big, round bouquet handed by the woman.

"How could he do this? Humiliating us like this - have you spoke to his mother? Can't she do anything??" Oh, shut up please! 

Her eyes are still fixed on the seated woman behind her. Shoulders slumped and face hidden behind both of her palms, Lisa watched the uncontrollable heaves of sobbing on the elder's back. Her heart fell for the third time today. The first was fifteen minutes ago, when her mother complimented on how beautiful of a bride she looked. The second was when her mother whispered, "I just got a call...he's not coming,". It's funny how easily the event had turned. 

She got up from the bridal chair slowly and placed the flower bouquet down. All she could think of was 'I'm never touching that shit again'. Then, she went towards her defeated mother and kneels down. The room had become a mess. Everyone's a mess - crying and gasping and more crying as if they're the ones who've just been dumped on their wedding day.

"Mommy...don't cry. I'll handle this, okay?" She said softly. There are no words that could console the broken-hearted woman. I'm her only child...there's no one else to hope for.

With a heavy heart, she made her way out of the room. No one could even try to stop her - everyone was busy with their own emotions. Lisa walked with long strides - fast enough to reach the hall entrance, calm enough to keep her head high. She reached the door and her father looked up. 'Surprised' was an understatement. 

"Why are you here alone? The groom's not here yet - where's everyone else?" 

Lisa smiled at the serious yet gentle built of her big, old man. "You look handsome today, daddy. Did I tell you that?"

"And you look as beautiful as the angel I raised. Now...where's your mom?"

She sighed a few laughs. "Everyone's a bit occupied...I have news for the guests. And so...I'll go in,"

"Lis, what's going on?" She felt the grip on her elbow, stopping her tracks. The frown got her a little worried but she told herself that her father is a strong man. He could handle this.

"I'm sorry, daddy. I'm sorry if I disappoint you today," She freed herself slowly as no words came out from her father. The frown had turned into shock, and when she turned to look once again, there are grief. 

The hushes died down as she entered. It's a long aisle and her embroidered dress felt heavy. Her heels sounded like stones, echoing in this big space. From the corner of her eyes, the pianist among many others looked confused. Still, she kept her head high until she reached the end...turning to bravely face the crowds. 3 seconds...and maybe 3 more. In the silence, Lisa took another deep breath and plastered a smile.

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