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"It was fucking uncalled for and you know it! When we asked you to say what you feel, that wasn't it!"

"I don't understand! What's gotten into you - why would you put him in the spot like that??"

"Lis, I'm just...wow...I've never seen any man who'd tolerate such a toxic behavior so fucking calmly and trust me, this is one thing no one can help you with. Whatever you get out of it, I sure hope it's worth it!"

Her friends' snaps began to sound louder by the time she came back to her house...fully sober. Unacceptable. She knew it but she has too much pride to admit it. To be honest, she was already tipsy when she forced the question on him. It wasn't an excuse and safe to say that she had ruined the night for all of them.

He had never glared at her like that. He was really angry and it's given. She was pushing her luck...and maybe her thoughts had in fact, taken over. I messed up. I really messed up! How could I be so insensitive? That wasn't me - or was it? Jennie's right...why am I so toxic?? When did the sadness grew into such hate? Why am I lashing out unnecessarily to those who didn't deserve it?

Her heart's been begging her to apologize in Chaeyoung's car throughout the entire ride back but she hadn't gotten a grip of it. Or maybe she was too anxious - she couldn't tell as the alcohol was still running most of her. I was so rude to him...it was the worst - especially after knowing about his mother. She couldn't even bear looking at him when he left as there was too much guilt! Jungkook had been the perfect boyfriend even when she puts him in the spot like that.

It was all my fault. I was really digging my own grave with that one! I was caught in the moment and I clearly failed the test! Why the hell was I drinking so much?? Oh yeah...home came too close...and my stupid brain -

He looked tired...defeated. She was going to grab her bag, ready to leave with him and apologize profusely in the car when they're alone - right before she heard him asking Chaeyoung to drive her safely home. Even after she had embarrassed him like that, he was still being a caring boyfriend. Lisa plants her face deeply into the pillow and groans loudly - too frustrated with her own self. I need to apologize...he didn't deserve it! I need to! I want to!

She quickly grabbed her phone and called him. After a few rings, it goes into voicemail. She tries again...and again...and again. Okay...okay, calm down and just keep trying. Maybe he's busy. Maybe he's at the floor and he left his phone in the office. He does that sometimes right? I mean...he did it when he was drinking - oh no...is he drinking -

It's finally picked up and she heard the loud thumps of music before it went completely silent.

"Jungkook?" Nothing. Lisa sat up and clears her throat. "Babe?" Can I still call him that after the shit I just pulled?

"Lalisa," She can't remember when was the last time he called her by her full name. It must've mean something. "Did you get home safe?"

"Yes..." It's unbearable. The awkwardness - suddenly feeling like she's been pushed back into formalities is too much and it's her own doing. "I'm sorry...about what happened. I just -"

"Take a glass of water before you go to sleep okay? There are a few events in some rooms tonight so I'll be a bit tied-up,"

Oh... It was all that she could mutter. It's the second time that he's ever pulled himself away like this - the first being in that room she found him in when she went to apologize. Damn it - how many times are you doing this Lali??

When it fell silent again, she tries a different tack. "I'll see you tomorrow then? We're going to the arcade, right?"

She decides to pretend she didn't just heard him sigh. He's probably tired of your shit at this point!

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