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"I'm fine...I just need to -" She quickly held the phone away before sneezing twice. Ow...that hurts! "Just need to lie down,"

"You don't sound fine to me. You should probably go to the clinic. You were fine yesterday...did you cry till you fell asleep - maybe that's why," Jisoo continues her mumbling over the phone.  "You think too much, didn't you? Aish I told you - don't mind what Jen said,"

Lisa scoffs and wriggles in her bed, trying to find a comfortable spot for her runny nose to not be so runny. She had to call in sick this morning when she woke up a little too early with a thumping head and a shivering body. 

"No, I didn't cry unnie," On the contrary, I remember smiling and laughing a hell lot... But of course, she can't say it. What would her boss say of her being irresponsible - staying up and out that late on a working day!

Speaking of which, she has to call Jungkook to cancel their breakfast. Weak with exhaustion after the many 'yes, I'll rest' to Jisoo, Lisa scrolls until Jungkook's name came up. She hears his dozily croaked voice, "Am I late?"

Despite the pain in her throat, she managed to let out a slight chuckle. "No, you're not. Sorry to call you so early. I uh -" She sneezed and it felt like her throat were being squeezed by troll's fist. "Sorry, I've got a fever...I think," She can't make out what the muffling sounds are about as she lays back down. 

"Are you okay? Have you seen a doctor?"

"No..." I could barely swallow, let alone to walk!

"Is there someone to look after you there?" 

She suppressed the urge to cough. "No...I just need to sleep it off. I'll be fine,"

"Can you stand up?"

"I think I can..."

"Right. I'll be there in half an hour,"

Did he not hear me well? Or is he purposely saying that to see if I'm really ill or faking it? He sounded concerned but maybe it's a way to catch me out? 

"I'll be okay, you don't have to come. You don't wanna catch this -"

"Is there anything you need?" Jungkook ignored her.

She closes her eyes, too weak and tired to convince him. "Maybe Tylenol...and cough syrup,"

"I'll get some. Keep your phone close, I'll call you when I get there. What floor?"

"Twentieth. Apartment six,"

Lisa rubbed her face after the call, briefly wondering if she had ever looked worse than this. Too sick to care, she swallowed with much difficulty and wraps herself entirely underneath the duvet. The doorbell duly rang half an hour later and she practically dragged herself to the door to let him in. 


He followed behind as she lazily collapsed back into bed. The full-patterned sunflower curtain is drawn across and the faint smell of vanilla-scented perfume hung in the air. Huddled and slightly shivering under the duvet, Lisa looked deathly pale. 

"Don't come any closer, please,"

"I hardly get sick," Ignoring her, Jungkook approached the side of her bed. "I brought Tylenol, ibuprofen and...two types of cough syrups. One makes you sleepy. You need to eat first before anything so I brought bread," He placed them on the bedside table and picked up the used tissues.

"Don't touch that -"

"I brought omija tea as well. Or do you just want water?" 

Lisa placed an arm to hide her eyes and shook her head. "Just water," He could tell that she's embarrassed - for what, he's not sure. It's only normal that these things be taken care of when you're sick.

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