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Jungkook woke up feeling the shittiest today. He had a dream that she came to see him, but only to let him know that she's leaving him. It was so heart-breaking that he had to force his hands to stop reaching for the phone and call her up, just to make sure that it was simply nonsense!

He kept himself busy on purpose, even if there's nothing more than the usual happening in his day. Whenever he had a little time to sit back and rests, he would be on his feet again to find something else to bother himself with. Unfortunately, there's only so much he can do on a normal Wednesday so when the thought of her consumed him again, he started drinking a little early.

How long is he going to keep this up? Hell, he doesn't even know! In his mind, he had taken the decision to retreat. He didn't exactly plan when he was going to come back out. Or if he'll ever get to come back out.

There's a lot on his mind. At first, he was only angry at her for the uncalled provocation in front of her friends. When Jimin came to visit, he decided to also add the fact that she hadn't been the most forthcoming girlfriend onto the plate. And by 7pm today, he's angry over the possibility that she'll break up with him – even if the idea was totally made up in his sleep!

"Boss, just an update," Nancy walks in after 2 knocks on his office door. "The VIP Room 3 was just booked for a marriage proposal,"

Wow...there are people who thinks proposing in a club is really a good idea?? Well, it's good for my business so why should I complain? "Good. Do they need anything?" He tried to focus the slight dizziness that's been disrupting his brain cells.

"Not much. The boyfriend and his friends will reach around ten-thirty to decorate the room. They asked if they can hang the 'Will You Marry Me?' banner on the wall and I told them yes but only with a clear tape,"

Ahh yes. A guest once hanged some things with a thick double-tape and it pissed Jungkook off so much trying to remove the damn sticky glues on his wall!

"Inform Joseph when he gets in then, tell him to be on standby and monitor whatever they put in the room,"

"Got it,"

"Any calls from my –"

"Yes," He didn't miss the eye-rolls from the girl, even in his inebriated state. "Two times since I got in. I told her you're not in, just as you asked me to,"

"Thanks," He looks back down nonchalantly to dismiss Nancy. Smiling sheepishly at his desktop screen, he briefly wonders if he's a bad guy for being like this.

To hear this while he's drowned in tipsiness made him feel good. Lisa has been trying to get in touch with him desperately and in these moments, he'd pat himself for sulking. He'd even hold himself back – replying to a whole bunch of her daily texts with a just an 'okay' to keep her going.

She updated him on where she's heading to, reminded him to eat when it's time, and even sent him unnecessary pictures of what she's doing. It's so unlike her to be this proactive but it got his heart smiling for a while. Perhaps that's the reason of his prolonged 'brooding'. It's probably childish to think so, but he truly enjoyed her recent attention. Go ahead. Keep it coming so I know how far you're willing to go for me.

"You know...it's my birthday tomorrow,"

Oh, she's still here? "Is it? Happy birthday then,"

"Thanks...and since I'm working on the eve of my birthday, can I celebrate it here?"

"While you're on the job?" What is she on about? No one drinks on the job except myself – everyone knows this! "Take the day off tomorrow then,"

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