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Requested by kapricity

This is LONG overdue and I'm truly sorry 😭

ISFJ (male) x ESFP (female)

“Good morning, hubby!”

Michael stops in the middle of the living room, halfway through rubbing the sleep in his eyes. "Good...morning?" He utters in an unsure manner as his brows furrow out of confusion. Couches have been moved to the side, the coffee table is now placed in the middle of the room, there are dinner plates scattered all around with food that looks like they’ve been cooked hours ago, and a camera sitting atop a tripod. His whole living room has now turned into a...photoshoot? “G? What’s with this set-up?”

Gianna, his wife, rushes forward to pull him by his arm toward her ‘workspace’. “Come with me and I'll explain everything! Earlier this morning, I suddenly thought of this idea to create a cookbook with my recipes that I’ve been working on for the past years.”

Michael still could not wipe away the confused look on his face as his wife continued to show him around their messy living room. “I couldn’t fall right back asleep ever since that idea popped into my mind!” Gianna continues, “I immediately brought out our camera and after that, started making all these dishes of mine.” As they walked around together, he even almost stepped on a plate that had her rendition of a Greek omelet (which really places the feta cheese as the main ingredient). “I’ve managed to finish some photos for the book!” She exclaims. “Here! Check these pictures out, Mike!” Showing the pictures displayed on the screen, Gianna couldn't wipe off the huge grin on her face as she goes through the different pictures of at least three different dishes she's taken for the past hours. 

For Michael, it was a different story. He knows that it's around seven in the morning and the amount of pictures Gianna is showing him proves that she must have been awake and working for at least three hours. 

As an ER nurse, he rarely gets any days off. So when he finally got a day off for this month, he wanted to spend it with his wife. Heck, he even planned to enjoy a lazy day of just sitting together on the couch as they watched the whole Indiana Jones movie franchise while each having a big bag of potato chips. The plan was perfect, but now...it seems like it's never going to happen today. 

So much for preparing for something that's not going to even take place. Michael could not hide his growing dismay and it seemed that Gianna sensed it due to his silence and the way his face scrunched up.

"Oh," she voices out, worried. "I'm sorry. Love, is this stressing you out?"

"No, no," he immediately replies. "It's just…" he breathes out a nervous chuckle and scratches the nape of his neck, "This is new. I mean, we planned out this day together and-"

"Yes," Gianna turns off the camera to give her full attention to her husband, "I know that you wanted to spend your day off with a movie marathon and we can still do that! I might finish in maybe a few more hours and then we can do the movie marathon."

"G, we both know that you'll feel exhausted after because you woke up earlier than usual."

She pouts at him and suddenly begins to feel guilty for thinking too much out of impulse. She got way too ahead of herself and it overwhelms her husband at the same time. "But Mike," she tries to argue, "your next day-off is going to be in three weeks. I should have not done any of this in the first place-" she immediately proceeds to start fixing the place by unfastening the tripod and turning off the camera.

“Hey, G, wait a sec.” Michael gently reaches over to take hold of Gianna’s hand to stop her from proceeding any further. “Okay, I admit that I may have found this to be way off of what I planned for today, but it doesn’t mean that I want you to stop immediately. I think you just have to give me a bit more time to adjust to this change and I’ll be alright.”

“Love, you sure?”

“Of course, I am. What I’m not surprised with is that you let your spontaneity run wild again.” He pauses to chuckle under his breath. “But of all things that you decided to make, why a cookbook? Like, what made you suddenly want to make a cookbook?”

“Well, I think you should be asking who made me want to make a cookbook.”

Micahel raises an inquisitive eyebrow at her. “Huh? What do you mean?”

Breaking off into a gentle smile, Gianna moves closer to press her lips at the tip of his nose. “I’m making this cookbook because of you, love!”

“Because of me?” Michael says slowly, processing the words she said which may have added to his current feeling of confusion. “Why me?”

“Look at all the dishes I’ve made for the cookbook.” His wife brings her hand forward to present the dishes all lined up for picture-taking. “I made sure that the recipes I’ll incorporate in the cookbook would be easy-to-follow, and that most of the ingredients to make them are easy to find. I’m making this cookbook for busy people like you. You come home exhausted and hungry every day after work and, to be blunt, you’re lucky to have me who can take care of you. I then started to think about those who live alone - who takes care of them? I want to help those people, too, love.”

Oh. Michael’s jaw dropped. Oh. Damn. Now it was his turn to feel the guilt. Gianna has always been out-of-the-box when it came to doing things for him. Making a cookbook seemed implausible, yet she always finds a way to surprise him through different means every single time. “G, why didn’t you tell me? I could have helped you from the very beginning.”

“I, uh, actually wanted it to be a surprise first,” she confesses then titters softly after. 

“Then what are we doing just standing here? We should make sure that the lighting is okay.” Michael bends down to start arranging the placement of the plate on the coffee table. He instantly made up his mind. Screw his plans for a simple movie marathon, he’s going to help prepare a cookbook with his wife today - and that complete change of plans is final. “The set-up has to look enticing as much as it is appetizing. Next time, you should tell me that you're planning these things so that we could plot out nicer arrangements.”

“Wait, so we’re going to continue with this activity for today?”

“Of course, we are! Forget about our movie marathon. If you’re planning to make a cookbook, then we’ll make sure that it’s going to be the best one out there, okay?”

Gianna could not stop herself from squealing out of excitement. “Yey!” She wraps her arms around him and squeezes him tightly before pulling away with a beaming grin. “Let’s place both of our names as the authors of the book so that people would know that we worked together! Wouldn’t that be cute?”

He swiftly leaves a kiss on her lips before answering with a smile, “The cutest.”

Maybe it is alright if his day off has led to a productive break instead of a lazy one. Maybe it is okay if some plans don't work out the way they were supposed to. 

Michael is happy to be reminded that what matters the most is to see that beautiful smile on his wife's face.

And that he, too, can live with her infectiously-good spontaneity.


Thank you for requesting and waiting! ♡  I hope you enjoyed this!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone!

I just checked that I have around 100+ requests and even if I sound jolly and cheerful in my notes, I am pAniCkINg HAHAHUHU. I am not the fastest writer out there and I am one MESSY person (absolutely a TERRIBLE combination). If ever I don't get your request out, I'm truly sorry 😭 and please forgive me.

Some positive traits of ISFJ: dependable, reliable, trustworthy
Some positive traits of ESFP: energetic, warm, enthusiastic

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