Friends Again

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" Oh my goodness child! I am so sorry that this has happened to you." Cornelius said sadly. I took in a deep breath as I smiled at him. My gaze returning back to the window as Rachel helped pull Hyde into the room.

After she had tugged him through the window, she poked her head back out and looked down at the ground. She started to whisper yell at the person still down there.

" Gary are you ok down there?" She called. The gruff, growling tone of the wolfman's voice barked back up at us. I could not tell if he was not pleased, or if that was just how his voice always sounded.

" Yeah! Just hurry up, I don't want us getting caught." He called back up. She gave him some sort of hand signal that I could not quite see before turning back to me and walking over with Hyde at her side.

I could tell that it was Hyde since the eyepatch was covering the left eye, which was Jekyll's eye. Though the dark brown one that usually was always glaring was not this time.

Granted he still did not look too happy, but his face held an expression other than anger and irritation. It actually held some worry, and dare I say even some relief.

I smiled at them as they approached. Cornelius who was already smiling widened his, and I noticed that he too had some bandages here and there on his small body.

" We wanted to make sure that you were alright. The entire circus believe it or not, is worried. We're all so grateful for you not only warning us and saving our ringleader and dear friend but for putting those who meant us harm away behind bars where they cannot hurt us anymore." Rachel said. Her voice filled with a happy tone that I had never heard from her before.

" Actually it was a friend of mine that came up with the story that got them put away. He helped me. If it was not for him I never would have made it in time." I said, not wanting to take all the credit when it could not have been done without Andrew.

" Well, I speak for all of us when I say please tell your friend that he has our everlasting thanks, you both do. Also that Loba would like to extend her hand out and ask if you would be the guest of honor at our next show, and that for as long as this circus runs, that you, and your good friend, are hereby named part of the family, and are welcome anytime show or no show free of charge." He said happily.

My heart swelled with joy. They wanted me back. They really wanted me back! I could be friends with Jekyll again! I could...Would Hyde let me be friends with Jekyll again? My happiness plummeted as I looked over to the Mutant as he wobbled forward.

" I would like to apologize for my actions against you Y/N. I judged you by your appearance and became the very thing I loathed about society. I not only hurt you, but I hurt my brother as well. You made me realize that I cannot be so quick to judge. You saved my best friend, and you saved a part of me. For that, you have both my thanks and my apology... I hope that I can one day undo the damage that I have caused you." He said strongly. His eyes never leaving mine, confirming that what he was saying to me was the truth. I blinked and gave him a serene smile.

" Hyde... You still scare me but considering that you saved my life when you could have just left me to burn. Well, I would say that you already have redeemed yourself. Thank you, for saving my life." I told him, looking him just as deep in the eyes as he had with me so he knew that I was telling the truth.

This made him flush as he looked away and scratched at the back of his head. Now at a loss for words. It got quiet for a minute until Rachel gave Hyde an elbow to the ribs. He looked at her offendedly before a look of realization came across his features,

" Oh... yeah that's right." He mumbled. He looked at me, opening his mouth to say something else but hesitated and closed it, Instead, he raised his hands up and closed his eye as he swapped the eyepatch over his eye, and let Jekyll's lighter brown eye pop open as his facial features changed from calm to almost panicked.

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