The Human Chimera

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" Now that you have gotten a taste of what's to come you may want to rethink your choice of staying here. If you have any second thoughts you should leave while you have the chance. For what's to come may scar you for the rest of your lives."

About ten people got up and ran out of the tent. One poor soul even tripping on his way out and faceplanting into the dirt. Crawling the rest of the way out.

When they were gone it left the audience at about 20 people. The Cyclops at the stage blinked his large eye at us and once it was known that no more people were getting up he flared his cape again and started speaking once more.

" I'm glad to see there are a few brave souls willing to witness the horrors to come. You know... I'm really glad I took my mask off. It's so much easier to see all of these faces tonight and the spider dangling above all of your heads."

At his words of the spider, another spotlight turned on, though there was a shadow over the seated people. I and many others looked up as a figure jumped down from the beams above before the rope he was tied to caught him and suspended him above the audience.

" Ladies and gentlemen, the spider-man!" The announcer shouted and the man dangling above his extended his arms and legs out. Showing the crowd that he had four arms and four legs to which he used to do acrobatic tricks on the rope as he swung around it over the people like a spider on a thread.

I could hear the girls I came with cry out as he reached out and fake grabbed at one of them as he swung by. Causing Darhla to fall out of her seat. The people were not staring in horror at the man above us laughed at the girl and she got back to her seat with a blush.

" Introducing a few old favorites across the board! Let me be the first to announce the arrival of our fan favorites! The Wolfman and his friend! the vampire!" The announcer yelled out and two figures came onto the stage.

The one that represented the vampire looked an awful lot like the fictional character Nosferatu. Tall with long spindly limbs, fingers, and fingernails. He had a puff of hair on his head, but when he smiled he showed off his bat like incisors. He waved his fingers around like the legs of a bug.

The other one had the build of a lumberjack, stepping onto the stage where the wood beneath him creaked dangerously. He was covered head to toe in thick grey fur, including his face and his black nails were long and sharp.

He let out a roar that seemed to shake the tent itself and many people in the crows shifted around as if they might run for the exit. The two of them wandered off the stage and started circling the seated people as the man above continued to spin around.

I shifted in my seat uncomfortably as the wolfman frightened the people in front of me with a growl. The Cyclops announcer did another bow.

" Gentlemen in the crowd, it is only mannerly to take your hat off when in the presence of fine ladies, and here they are!" He cried and four women in total walked onto the stage.

The one on the far left was the tallest person I had ever seen. Lanky and thin, with almost midnight colored skin. she was easily eight feet tall. Looking as if she might lose balance and topple over any minute. The one next to her was a ghostly pale albino with striking red eyes. The announcer started speaking again.

" It was said in old south American tribal religions, that white animals with red eyes were the children of the forest spirits. What do you think ladies and gentlemen. Do you think our lovely snow angle here is the child of a mystical being?" He said and some people in the crowd chuckled.

The next woman was of thick built, though she was only four feet tall. She had a long thick golden beard that was braided neatly and hung down almost to her feet.

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