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It was so damn hot in this forsaken diner! I was not even wearing the scarf anymore but the heat was still killing everyone. Almost every single person that came in ordered iced drinks or some type of cold deserts.

My bruises had faded to the point where the foundation alone would be able to hide what was left of them. Otherwise, I don't think I would be able to stay alive in this heat. If I still had it one it would have been a given that I would have gotten heatstroke.

It was supposed to start getting cooler with fall about to set in, but for some reason, the heat remained. Remained like it was stuck under some sort of big invisible blanket or something.

It also really did not help that the heat from Andrews grill, and sometimes my own oven would make this place feel like the inside of a Volcano.

Poor Andrew had to stand in front of that grill all day. he was probably having it worse than I was right now. We were both somehow pulling through though

The heat was just so intense. It was almost as if flames were licking my skin. Maurice was letting us take a few more breaks in the days that had passed. Anything to keep us all from fading to dust.

Carol continued to push on through the heat and impress Maurice even more. She refused to rest until everyone had been served and happy. I had seen her go a few days before without taking a single break.

I don't know how she did it. It was like the smiles on other people's faces were what fueled her own smile. Her own smile always lit up the room. The smile that was always so contagious, the smile that always reminded me of my long-gone friend.

The memories she accidentally dug up caused me to avoid her a lot during work. I felt bad, cause I actually really enjoyed her company, and she was not stuck up and a prick like the other servers here.

I did not want her to feel like I was avoiding her because I did not like her... but my bruises were still too fresh for me to see that smile for more than a minute and not break down crying.

Both her and Jekyll could go the whole day with that smile. As if it was what they had been born to do. It was their most defining feature... if you ignored all of Jekyll's appearance anyway.

I looked up at the papers that were slid over to me. Written on the small little pieces in fine handwriting were the orders of all of the customers in the front.

Mostly Icecream and sweetened drink desires, some pie, and cake." I got to work scooping the ice and ice cream into the orders. Losing myself to the sound of the man singing over the radio while playing the piano. Some other soft instruments being played in the background behind the singer.

It was calm considering that the day was hectic. It was never enough. The cakes and pies I was making at the beginning of the day were gone by noon, and I had to keep making more.

I squeaked a little peek out from the kitchen window and over to the front. Watching all of the servers rushing around because of how many orders there were.

Carol was doing by far the best. Shouldering through all of the rushes and sometimes even carrying three orders at a single time. Then she would smile, and I would get reminded.

I quickly moved away from the window, smacking all of the flour off of my apron and looking around awkwardly. Andrew was not looking at me, he was too concerned with all the orders he was occupied with.

Speaking of which... I was starting to get behind. I really needed to kick myself into gear or else my trip would mean everyone else's trip.

I quickly downed down a good portion of my own iced water before walking back up to my counter, Beginning to make a brand new batch of creme's

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