Exploring the Town

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" Thank you so much for the ride honey." My mother said with a large smile. Her lacy gloved hands gripping onto the white folded parasol on her shoulder. I stepped out of the car along with her, looking around at the people walking down the street and going about their day.

" Now darling are you sure you don't need me to come pick you girls up in an hour or so?" My father asked with a raise of his eyebrow and taking a big huff of the cigar that stuck out from his mouth.

" No dear we will be just fine. Y/N and I are going to look around town is all, maybe pick up a few things while were out. Don't worry darling we can manage to get home from here. You go and enjoy the first day of your job!" She reassured him and he nodded in return.

He blew kisses at us before the old car was slowly disappearing down the street. My mother practically did a small skip while she clapped her gloved hands together.

" Oh Y/N this is so exciting. Were bound to meet so many new friends already!" She said in glee. I only gave a halfhearted smile in return.

I let my eyes wander as I followed my mother down the street. The sun was up and casting a nice glow on the old town. We were walking along the sidewalks of Mainstreet, so most of the stores were here already.

I reached into my bag, pulling out my pen and notebook that had to do's written down. Let's see here, we have to stop by the craft store and get some fabric to make some curtains. Then the regular store to get food and baking supplies since I would like to start baking again. It was my hobby after all.

Then for me personally I wanted to be on the lookout for any cafe' or bakeries and see if they were hiring. Other than that I would just follow my mom around.

I was not personally excited about having to walk all the way back home, especially with groceries to carry, but it was not too far outside of town. Maybe a thirty-minute walk from here.

We stopped first at a clothing store. My mother immediately going for the brimmed hat section and examining herself in the mirror. She had dressed up finely today, curling her H/C elegantly and carefully putting on makeup such as eyeshadow and scarlet lipstick.

I myself was in my usual attire. The formal button-up shirt with long sleeves and a skirt that led down to my knees. I had white stockings that were pulled up past my knees and white slippers.

I looked around a little at the story but ultimately did not find anything that really caught my eye. My mother did not either and we left the store almost as quickly as we had arrived.

After asking me what was on the list we decided to find the craft store next. Having to ask around a couple of times since we were not used to the town. Most of the strangers smiled kindly at us and pointed in the right direction. A few times a couple of ladies stopped to talk with my mother.

Eventually, we found it. Walking through the doors and looking at the rows and rows of different colored fabric of all different types. Along with all the tools you could ever want to work with them. I could hear my mom practically squeal with joy. I rolled my eyes but I was also happy for her.

The store in my last town did not have as much or as diverse fabrics. With these, my mom could make many things, whatever she desired. And I had no right to judge since if there was a baking store like this I might just die in delight.

We stepped in and I was hit with the smell of old cloth. The lights in the store were bright and other than the bright assortment of fabrics the only other colors in the store were white and black.

I followed my mom as we went through the isles. Looking for fabric I would like for the curtains in my room. My mother already had a basket that she had a few stuff in.

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