Innocent Accidents

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A/N: So I was talking about this with someone else and incase people were wondering how to pronounce Rachel's name its pronounced    Ruh-Shell. Sorry I know that's confusing cause it also looks like Ray-Chull. 

" I did not even know that this was here." I commented as I looked around at the surrounding area. The sun was high in the sky and there was not a single cloud to be seen. There was no breeze or wind of any kind to blow them to us even if we wanted them. It was a very still day.

The rock walls towering above us were a ruddy orange and bright terracotta brown. Hints of green from the various plant life growing across them could be spotted, though few and in between they were.

The rock walls formed a sort of dome around the body of water in front of us. The water of the quarry was a green Emerald around the shady areas, whereas the sunny parts were a beautiful shimmering turquois. The water was stagnant because of the lack of breeze but the water still reflected the light like a glittering dress on a stage.

We were walking down the trail to the Quarry, and I was able to look down at the water as we slowly made our way closer and closer. I looked around for the others that I was were already here, but I didn't see them yet.

" We use this place as a training and practice for the aerialists. The guys attach the ropes and wires across the rocks over the water and when the aerialists mess up and fall, they just fall in the water safely. The small golden haired bearded woman said as I walked next to her and a few other lady members of the circus down the trail.

When I had arrived at the Circus, I was surprised to see that a good many of them seemed to have vanished, and some others were packing up for something. Fear had struck my heart. I was worried that the whole group was packing up to head to another town. I had almost burst into tears right then and there.

If Rachel had not come up to me and explained that a good many of the others were down at a practice ground close by and that they were simply packing up to go join them, I probably would have lost my crap. So, I helped the rest of the ladies that were going pack up and then I made my way along with them.

At the moment we were now only about three minutes from being at the water. I could hear some distant voices, but I could not quite make out what they were saying. I was too busy paying attention to the Lady Dwarf as she was called, or Anna as she was named.

I did not know much about Anna. I did know that she and the tall lady were best friends and lived together in the same trailer. From what I knew Jekyll also really liked her. Her kindness to him sort of made him like an aunty figure in his eyes. Kind of like Cornelius was with Hyde.

I looked down at her as she explained the situation. Her long, golden beard was breaded beautifully with beads and what looked to be Scandinavian metal knots in there to help keep it together.

" But if the Aerialists fall in and get wet, wouldn't that make it harder for them to perform and practice?" I asked in confusion and Rachel sighed sadly to my front right. Anna nodded sadly as she stroked her beard. She continued to look ahead as she answered my question.

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