1. Get Me Out of Here

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He's not here. That was the first thing Magnus noticed, when he entered his class. It worried him. He knew Alec had a bad situation in his house. Alec hadn't told him that, but he didn't have to.

Magnus could recognize it when people struggled at home. The pain and the sadness in their eyes were enough. He had seen how sad Alec had looked, when two students next to him had started talking about how their parents had brought them to an amazing place or bought them an awesome thing.

Or after Magnus had asked his class what their parents did for them. Alec hadn't wanted to answer, and Magnus hadn't pressured him, but it had been then when he had started to wonder if Alec had abusive parents or something like that.

The golden-green-eyed man already knew someone was abusing Alec, but he didn't know who yet.

What Magnus couldn't understand was how Alec's siblings simply ignored him, when the jocks pushed him against the lockers, or insulted him, shouted at him, hit him... When they bullied him basically.

He knew Alec had two siblings. Isabelle and Jace Lightwood. Alec Lightwood. They were siblings, and yet, they seemed to completely ignore him when the jocks bullied the blue-eyed man.

Magnus was the new English teacher, and he was still trying to know his students. He knew most of them, (the popular students and all those people were easy to get to know) but Alec.

He knew nothing about Alec.

The blue-eyed man was quite a dark mystery to him. It was as if Alec didn't have any friends. Magnus was worried about that. Everyone needs a friend. Especially if you're getting bullied at school, and probably abused at home, like Alec.

Magnus sighed.

Maybe the blue-eyed man was just late. The lesson began and no one, but Magnus, seemed to notice Alec's absence.

Alec's own sister, Isabelle, who was sitting on the first line, didn't even seem to be worried.

Magnus tried to teach the lesson, but he couldn't stop thinking about Alec. What if the abuse had been so bad that he'd had to stay home? He felt anger start to build up in him, but it quickly disappeared, when he remembered something.

Alec was only his student. He was his teacher. His English teacher. Alec was 17, he was 23.

Why was he worrying that much about the blue-eyed man? He was just his student! But the golden-green-eyed man couldn't help but worry. The thought of Alec getting hurt was painful.

The lesson finally finished and Magnus had decided. He went to Alec's table and took his English books and notebook. He, then, took his bag and everything and left the classroom, starting to walk to the front door, to the parking of the school.

He took his car and drove to Alec's house; he knew where he lived because he'd had to bring Alec there, weeks ago, after he had fainted, because of, as the nurse had said, not having eaten in days. They had also found bruises in his body and asked Alec what he had done to end up that hurt.

The blue-eyed man had answered them that he had fallen down the stairs. Perhaps the nurse had believed that, but Magnus had not.

Magnus parked the car in front of Alec's house and walked to the front door; he knocked on it. The golden-green-eyed man heard steps and seconds later, a woman who seemed to be the older version of Isabelle appeared.

"Hi, I'm Magnus Bane, a friend of Alec's. I'm here to bring him his homework." He lied.

Most of the people at school whom Magnus didn't teach anything to, thought he was a student, instead of a teacher; so Magnus used that as a lie, so he could see Alec.

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