9. Loving You

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Alec knew if he gave in to the urge, he would start crying again. How could Magnus always be making things better without even trying? He was too sweet and kind for his own good. Alec hadn't even opened the present yet, but he was already overwhelmed with all the love he was feeling.

He decided to open the present, instead of crying again. It was a small box wrapped in dark blue wrapping paper. He opened the box and saw a bracelet with a paper under it. He took the paper first and read it.

To someone who has been hurt but has made it through.

To someone who is hurting but will make it through.

And those two lines made Alec burst into tears. He didn't deserve Magnus. He put the box down on his lap and covered his face when the crying got too much. He felt Magnus pull him close and this time Alec didn't even care that the gear lever pressed against his thigh, because he needed Magnus close.

Magnus helped him sit on his lap and hug him properly. He hadn't expected Alec to react so emotionally to the note and the bracelet. He rubbed his back soothingly, letting him cry as much as he needed.

He held Alec for a short while, rocking him a little until he seemed to feel better. Alec sniffled. He looked down and took the small box with the bracelet and the message. He looked at the bracelet. It was purple with a silver ring in it that said survivor on the back of it.

He rubbed his eyes, his lower lip trembling. Such a small gift that meant so much to him. He fell into Magnus' embrace, giving him a short but tight hug, mumbling a thank you. He put the bracelet on, lying on Magnus because he didn't want to ever move away from him.

"I-I don't d-deserve you." He suddenly said, examining the bracelet. He fiddled with the ring, not looking up at Magnus.

"Don't think like that, my love. You deserve everything in the world, if you're willing to let me and your real family give it to you. We all love you very much, it's time for you to receive and feel that love, don't you think?"

Alec didn't reply. He was just so grateful for Magnus he was at loss of words. He eventually got off Magnus and sat back down on his seat. He was silent, listening to Magnus ramble about everything and anything with a smile on his face. He fiddled with the bracelet for a while, not realizing until some short minutes later that this was a fidget bracelet as well.

He kissed Magnus' cheek when they were in the elevator, going up to Magnus' apartment, as his way to thank him without saying anything. It made them both smile, holding hands on their way to Magnus' apartment.

Right before opening the door, Magnus stopped and seemed to be about to say something. Alec almost asked him what it was that he wanted to say, but he stopped when Magnus shook his head to himself and opened the door.


Alec immediately let go of Magnus' hand, flinching startled. He breathed fast, looking around. He was in no danger. Isabelle, Jace, Maryse and even Chairman Meow were there. Alec, who had instinctively taken a couple of steps back at the sudden noise, turned red.

He looked at Magnus, confused, waiting for an explanation. Instead, he got a smile from Magnus, "They didn't forget your birthday." Was all he said, before urging him to go to his family, by placing a gentle hand on his back.

Alec's cheeks reddened further as he went to his family.

"We had to rush here this morning," Maryse said, embracing Alec carefully because she didn't want him to be uncomfortable, even though he had been growing slightly more comfortable with hugs in the past weeks. "Which is why we didn't say anything. Did that make you feel bad, honey?"

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