5. I Will Hold You

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Alec was in the guest room, sitting on the bed. He was still wearing his hoodie. He knew it was disgusting to sleep with street clothes, especially on someone else's bed but it was his comfort hoodie and after the day he had had, he needed something familiar in order to feel safe.

He looked around. It was obvious this room was mostly used as a storage one, because there were some boxes in a corner of the room and the bathroom inside the guest room was also full of boxes; Alec guessed that was why Magnus had told him the shower was not disposable.

The student lay down on the bed. The moment his back was resting on the bed, he let out a tired sigh. He had already slept on the sofa but it was much different from being on a bed. Alec was a bit cold.

There was knock on the door and he quickly sat back up, cross legged. The door opened, Magnus walking in.

"Came to check it's not too cold in here and it apparently is." Magnus said, going to the radiator in the room. "I just never really use this room, it's kind of always closed so now I gotta turn this on... Unless you aren't cold."

"I-It is kinda cold." Alec muttered. He watched the teacher turn the radiator on; in the meanwhile Chairman jumped the bed, sneaking under the covers. Alec smiled, pulling Chairman to his lap, after noticing the bulge on the bed.

"It should start heating the room up a little bit, in a couple of minutes." Magnus sat down next to the radiator, his eyes moving back to his cat. "Alexander, are you aware of how much my cat loves you and not me?"

Alec laughed, even though it sounded more like a giggle, petting Chairman Meow, making the cat purr in his lap. Magnus stood up and went to the bed, sitting close but not too much, to Alec and his cat.

"It's not fair. He's been my only company for a lot of time and now he's chosen to love you more than me." Magnus said, pouting when he saw Chairman looking up at him. "Yes, I'm talking about you, Chairman."

"I don't think he can understand you." Alec said, slightly pulling Chairman Meow's paws up, earning an annoyed meow from him.

"I know he can, because he surely understands me when I tell him to come, when it's time for a bath. He never shows up and he always somehow ends up hiding, right when I'm calling for him."

Magnus took Chairman's paws in his but instead of getting just one annoyed meow, he got a hiss from the cat. The teacher let him go, an offended look on his face.

"Excuse me, you did not just hiss at me, Chairman."

Alec couldn't keep the smile off his face. Watching Magnus argue with his cat was funnier than it should be. He would have never thought he would smile so much from such thing. As if Chairman had understood Magnus, he hissed at his owner again.

What Alec was definitely not expecting, was for Magnus to hiss back at his cat. It seemed like Chairman wasn't expecting it either, because his ears quickly moved down, lying on Alec's lap again.

"That's what I thought." Magnus nodded, petting Chairman's head. He looked at Alec and saw the big grin on his face. "Believe it or not, Chairman and I love each other." He added, making Alec laugh softly.

"What? It's true!" And as if to prove his point, the teacher leaned down, closer to his cat. "He's gonna give me kisses, because my fluffy baby loves me, doesn't he?" Magnus started pressing kisses to Chairman's head, making him meow angrily.

Alec was trying to stop laughing, it was hard, though, because Magnus suddenly stopped and let his head fall on Alec's lap, over Chairman Meow's tiny body. He didn't know what to do with his hands, so he ended up letting his hands fall to his thighs; one of them was close to Magnus' hair.

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