2. Stay Here with Me

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Alec didn't get as hurt as he thought he would get, after jumping down the window, escaping with Magnus, his teacher, from his father. He was glad he lived on the first floor.

Magnus caught him in time, before he could hit the floor; they fell together to the floor, instead. They heard a door slamming open, Alec's room, probably, causing them to immediately stand up and instinctively run away from the building as fast as they could, considering the fact that Alec's body wasn't in the best condition.

The cat-eyed teacher had never been so happy to have his car parked far away. He looked at his watch and saw it was just 4 pm. He looked back at Alec, who was behind him, following him; they were no longer running, just walking fast, because Magnus had seen Alec was exhausted already.

Magnus went to him and saw he didn't seem to be okay. He looked... Distraught. They were a street away from Alec's house and a minute away from Magnus' car.

"Hey, Alec... Alec, what is it? We left, you're safe here with me..." He whispered to him, trying to ignore the stares from the people walking past them. He pulled Alec gently to a side of the street, so they wouldn't be in the middle of it.

Alec hid his hands inside his pockets, after putting his hood on, unable to stop looking around, as if he thought he would see his father. He was shivering, trembling.

"Alec." It seemed like Magnus' voice was the only thing able to make him stop overthinking.

Fidgeting with his hands, Alec slowly looked up at him, before quickly looking down to the floor.

He was cold. He was worried. He wanted to curl up and cry. He was frustrated. He wanted to be alone, so he could scream and cry. He wanted to disappear because it seemed like nobody cared about him. He wanted to end everything.

But he also wanted to be held. To be reassured that everything would be fine. To be hugged. To be comforted. To feel loved. To be told he was enough. To be told he was beautiful the way he was, instead of just getting insults and pain because of who he was.

Without even noticing he was already crying again, in silence, in front of Magnus, who didn't know what to do. He wanted to help Alec, but he didn't know how.

Suddenly, Alec's phone started vibrating. It was his father. Magnus' reaction was immediate.

Being thankful for being next to an abandoned alley, Magnus took Alec's phone and threw it as away as he could, before looking at Alec, who was crying softly.

"I'll buy you another one, I promise. W-We have to go..." He spoke.

Magnus took Alec's hand in his, not wanting his blue-eyed student to be left behind, and started walking fast to his car, already able to see where he had parked it.

Alec slowly stopped crying after they began walking to Magnus' car, trying not to think about the fact that he and Magnus were holding hands. Walking and having his hand in Magnus' was enough distraction for him to stop crying.

"Wh-Why d-di-did you th-throw m-my ph-phone a-away?" He asked Magnus, finally arriving in his teacher's car. It was like now he processed the fact that his teacher had simply grabbed his phone and thrown it away.

Magnus opened the door for him, and Alec got in. He only answered once he was inside the car too, next to Alec, on the driver seat. He looked at his student and saw how exhausted he truly was, in his blue eyes.

"Your father could've tracked you. I'm a bit paranoid about this and better be safe than sorry," He just said. Magnus drove away from there, away from the street and away from Alec's father. "I-I'm sorry for throwing it away, I really don't know what I was thinking about..."

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