4. Small Deep Talks

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Magnus woke up before the alarm went off. He had actually just slept an hour but it seemed like it had indeed worked on recovering some of his strength. He wasn't as tired as he had been.

He sat up on the sofa, stretching his arms out and yawning. He glanced at the other side of the sofa and saw Alec still completely asleep. Chairman was in the student's arms, doing the same as Alec. It was a sight that made Magnus smile.

Magnus checked the time and saw it was almost nine in the evening. He looked at the kitchen and remembered he had actually made something for dinner. He got up and set the table for him and Alec. Magnus brought the food to the table and went back to Alec, once everything was ready.

The blue-eyed student was truly drained, judging by the way he seemed to be more than completely asleep. Magnus was pretty sure Alec wouldn't wake up even if he dropped a bomb in the living room. He knelt down in front of the sofa, ignoring Chairman Meow still in Alec's arms, snoring softly.

Magnus moved a hand to Alec's cheek, noticing the bruises he had already seen before, down his neck. He would ask Alec if he wanted something for them, in case they hurt, later. He stroked Alec's cheek gently, "Alexander, wake up, sweetheart." He whispered, softly caressing the boy's cheek.

Alec felt something on his cheek, something warm and smooth. He groaned sleepy, not really wanting to wake up and face the world. That hand was something that seemed worth opening his eyes, to see whose hand that was.

Alec's eyes fluttered open and he saw Magnus, kneeling in front of him, his hand on his cheek. It was in that moment that he had some kind of completely different scene in his head. In some other universe, he woke up to Magnus, his boyfriend. He had fallen asleep on his couch because school had been exhausting, not because he was drained after his father's beating from the night before.

He had come to Magnus' apartment because he had wanted to. Magnus wasn't his teacher, they were dating and they were happy. Alec was happy.

"Alec, hey, beautiful." Magnus said, seeing Alec's blue eyes slowly looking around. They were glassy because he had just woken up. "I made dinner, remember? A sandwich and a half isn't enough and you ate that a few hours ago."

Magnus' words were hard to process. Alec was still half asleep, trying to get out of his head the perfect scene he wished that moment was. He forced himself to remember why he was there and how he had ended up there.

"You can sleep for as long as you want, after dinner, I promise. And you'll sleep on a bed, not the couch." Magnus chuckled a little, by the end of the sentence, making Alec slightly smile. The teacher got up and went to the table, putting the food on the plates while he waited for Alec to come.

The blue-eyed student needed half a minute to fully understand that he had to get up and go to the table, because they were going to eat. Alec saw Chairman asleep in his arms, the cat snoring softly. He chose not to wake him up, enjoying the feeling of Chairman asleep in his arms.

Alec went to the table, where Magnus was sitting, waiting for him. He looked down at the food and felt his stomach rumble. He was actually very hungry.

"C-Can Chairman stay?" He didn't want to let go of the sleeping cat but if Magnus didn't want him to be with the cat in his arms, while they ate, he would immediately put Chairman back to the sofa.

Magnus shrugged, "He usually sits on the table and watches me eat, so it's fine. As long as he doesn't bother you..." He handed Alec a plate with pasta, "Do you like pasta? Or are you allergic to any food?"

Alec shook his head, taking the plate and the cutlery the teacher gave him.

"I do like pasta. Thanks." Alec stayed with one arm holding Chairman Meow, while he ate with the other one. "This-This is amazing." He said, with a mouthful of pasta, swallowing it down within second and immediately eating more.

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