6. I Will Keep You Safe

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Alec woke up the next morning. He didn't wake up with anyone loudly telling him he had to wake up for whatever reason. He didn't wake up because of the pain he was feeling, from a beating the night before.

He woke up because the sunlight went through the curtains and spread around the room, lighting it up. He scrunched his nose, still half asleep. He didn't want to fully wake up, he wanted to sleep more.

Alec turned in Magnus' arms and buried his face in his neck, light no longer being a bother. However, it had already woken him up. He smelled Magnus' scent, his face nestled on his neck. His hands moved between his and Magnus' chests.

The blue-eyed student heard Magnus take a deep breath in and felt him stretching his legs and arms out, before moving back to their places, holding Alec close.

The two of them were awake now, but none of them said anything yet. They both knew the other was awake and they were well aware that the moment one of them said something, they would have to start the day; neither one of them wanted to do that yet.

Chairman did, though. The kitten, who had ended up sleeping in the guest room, jumped up to the bed, sneaking in between Magnus and Alec. The student chuckled, his eyes down on their covered legs, where Chairman was walking on, going to them.

He moved an arm and gently pulled the cat to them, placing him between their chests, thinking Chairman wanted cuddles. It wasn't until the cat got up and jumped to Magnus' side, meowing that he was proved wrong.

"He wants food." Magnus mumbled, his voice husky. "I'm surprised he didn't wake us up at 6 for food, to be honest."

The cat-eyed man moved, making Chairman fall to Alec, never unwrapping his arms off him, though. Alec chuckled but he did move more, sitting up on the bed before taking Chairman to his arms.

"How did you sleep?" Magnus asked, moving out of the bed and going to the closet in the room. "Did I make you uncomfortable in any way, or was it not good? I hope the, uh, all the cuddling didn't overstep any of your boundaries, or anything."

Alec quickly shook his head, petting the cat, so he wouldn't escape. He earned himself an angry meow from him when he scratched a spot Chairman didn't like.

"I-It was good. I haven't slept like that in a long while." He admitted, "I-It was good, thank you."

"It's alright. I cleaned your clothes yesterday. Well, more like put them in the washing machine and then in the drier, so if you want them I can give them to you." Magnus said, getting some clothes out of the closet for himself.

Magnus made move, about to start taking his clothes off. That was what made Alec react, the blue-eyed student quickly moving off the bed and going to the toilet, whispering he needed to relieve himself, cheeks reddened.

When he came out of the bathroom, Magnus was already dressed in his fancy clothes.

"Well, your clothes are on the bed, but if you want to stay in these I gave you, it's fine, I don't mind." Magnus said, gesturing at the bed vaguely, while he was putting his ear cuff on. "I'll go call in sick."

Magnus' last words made Alec feel guilt pooling in his stomach.

"I-Is it okay to call in sick when you're not truly sick?" He asked, sitting on the edge of the bed and putting his clothes on his lap. He noticed there was something else in there, that didn't belong to him. "Magnus?" He showed him the boxers he had found within his other clothes.

"Yeah? Oh, well, I figured you'd want clean boxers since you've been wearing the same ones for more than a day, now." The teacher muttered, typing on his phone. "Don't worry, they're clean."

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