3. Let Me Help You

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TW: character working himself up into a panic attack (he doesn't get there, though)


Magnus went back to the kitchen, picking Chairman Meow up on his way, not wanting the cat to bother Alec.

"Baby, no, no, no, Alec wants to shower alone..." He told his cat, as if he would understand him. "We'll make some dinner, stay here." Magnus put the cat down on the counter and moved to the fridge.

A while later Alec appeared from the bathroom, all dressed up with his hair wet. The teacher hid a small smile, seeing the blue-eyed man dressed up in his pajamas. He hadn't told Alec, but those were his old pajamas. He had just lied to him a little so the student would accept wearing those clothes. He saw Alec was wearing his hoodie, despite Magnus' pajamas. Magnus supposed it was Alec's comfort hoodie, because it seemed really old and kind of destroyed.

Magnus had stopped using the pajamas he had given Alec because they were too dark, after he found some colorful pajamas full of glitter. Truth to be told Magnus slept naked if he was alone. He barely used pajamas, only when he was around the house by himself or at one of his close friends' houses.

"Hey, there." Magnus let out, while he was getting some pasta and meat. "I made sandwiches, but then I thought that we should maybe eat something more? It's still early, though, so here," The Asian man went to him, handing him one of the sandwiches. "We'll have dinner later..."

Alec took the sandwich with a small smile. He was starving.

"Thank you."

Magnus brushed some of his hair off his blue eyes, getting his hand a bit wet.

"Go to the sofa, I'll be there in a second."

Alec nodded, taking a small bite of the sandwich. He went to the sofa, carefully sitting there, as if he were afraid he would break something. His body hurt.

He had been beaten the night before, had barely been able to sleep because of how much everything hurt; he was so thankful his mother had seen he didn't seem to be okay and had let him stay. Jumping out of the window, even if Magnus had caught him on time, hadn't helped his already injured state.

Magnus went back to the kitchen, his eyes still on Alec. He noticed how he seemed to be limping. He silently reminded himself to check on him, knowing that he was more hurt than he seemed to be.

The teacher grabbed his phone and went to the sofa, to Alec. He sat down next to him, happy to see Alec was distractedly eating the sandwich he had given him.

"How are you feeling?" He grabbed his laptop; he had left it charging on the table after turning it off. He shouldn't have turned it off because he had to send a few emails to some students of his and the director of the school.

Alec shrugged. He was trying to eat slow, with small bites, because he didn't want to finish the sandwich. He hadn't truly realized just how hungry he was until he had started eating. The truth was that he had no idea of how he was feeling.

Everything hurt, but he didn't really know how he felt.

"I don't know." He murmured, stopping himself from eating more. There was half of the sandwich left and he didn't want to eat it too fast. He could save it for later in case Magnus decided to kick him out.

The Asian man saw how Alec stopped eating, a small frown forming in his face. He put the laptop back to the table, after having pulled it to his lap and stood up. He went to the kitchen and back to the sofa with a plate with some sandwiches he had made while Alec had been showering.

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