Loki Or Tony

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- Y/N POV -

While the rest of the morning I was reading with Loki in the Living room, I was sitting on the left side of the couch with my back against the arm-rest, while Loki was leaning against the back of the couch. Once I have finished f/b (favourite book), noticed that the rest of the team was staring at me and Loki.

The whole team was in their suits, even Clint.

Do you think hey are going on a mission without me?

Perhaps, but at least you can keep an eye on me. Loki said, I bet with a smirk.

"Are you guys going on a mission?" I asked, putting my book down at turning to the group before they enter the elevator.

"Yes," Clint replied plainly, I scrunched my nose.

"Without me?" I asked, my brows furrowing.

"Yes, we need someone to look after Reindeer Games, and he seems to like you the most," Dad says, jumping into the conversation.

"Well, I hope that you mission go's well," I say, looking back down at my book, my voice shows hurt and I know Loki can tell. With that they said their good-bye's, and they left.


Once the team made it back from their mission and were tired as hell.

"I am going to freshen up," Nat said before leaving to get changed. After she left people were aggreging and leaving so it was just Loki and me again, with our books. A few minutes later everyone that had left to go and get changed came back, with fresh clothes on. To none of their surprise, Loki and I did not move an inch from the positions we were in before they left.

Since it is dark outside and people are getting bored from just watching to TV (or reading in Loki's case). Dad must have noticed that people were getting bored because he asked "Legolas would you rather have no arms or no legs?" This question got most people's attention because once Dad asked, most people's heads whipt over to where Clint is.

"Hmm... no legs, so that I can still use my bow and arrow," Clint responded, sharpening one of his arrows, "Nat, long hair or short hair?"

"Short" Nat responded, before looking towards Bruce, "Bruce, would you rather woman or man?"

"What do you mean... romantically?" Bruce asked, adjusting his glasses.

"Sure, romantically"

"Um woman?" Bruce said making his answer sound like a question.

As the game continued, people were making the questions harder, and harder to answer. Me, Loki Tony, and Clint were on the couch. Nat and Bruce were talking and yet still listening in the kitchen, Bucky and Steve were in front of the turned off TV, while Thor was have another pop-tart.

"Y/n," Nat started "Tony  or... Loki," Her eyes scanned the room until they met Loki reading his book. That caught Loki's attention and now everyone was staring at me while Nat had smirk on her face knowing who I would pick.

"Uh... What do you mean by 'Tony or Loki'?" I asked hoping that she would not answer.

"Which do you prefer, Tony or Loki?" She said, shrugging her shoulders like this was not one of the most difficult questions I would have to answer.

I thought this game was going to be easy, apparently not.

I sighed knowing that I was defeated, "Loki" I say looking down at my hand's, knowing that I am blushing like crazy.

Oh really? Loki thought knowing that I could hear him.

'Oh really?' what?

You prefer me over Stark?

Well ya, of course I do, you are one of my best friends here in the Tower.

Oh really. Then why are you blushing?

I am NOT! I think as I look up and start glaring at Loki, he chuckled at me for getting angry at him even though he was right, and even though he knows that he is right. While we were having our conversation the others were saying things like 'oh' or 'someone has a crush' but I zoned them out while I was 'talking' with Loki.

Would you like to come with me?

Where are you going?

I was planning on going for a walk, but since I cannot leave the Tower without someone coming with me, so I thought you might want to come and get away from them. As Loki thought 'them' he motioned his head towards the rest of the team.

Sure. I would love to.

"Guys I am going out for a walk," I say "And Loki will be joining me,"

"Sure go on ahead, just make sure you come back by twelve," Dad says with a smirk on his face, he doesn't seem to mad that I chose Loki over him.

"Ok, Mom," I joke.

I didn't know Stark was your Mother. Loki thought, I decided to go along with the joke.

Well my family is a weird one. I answer, grabbing his hand and dragging him out of the living room.

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