Along The Beach

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- Y/N POV -

Once Loki and I got in the elevator, we made small talk while the elevator was slowly making its way down the Tower. When we made it to the ground level, Loki was waiting by the door while I went to look at the time 8:30 PM.

"Are you ready to go darling?" Loki asked his arms resting behind his back.

"Yeah, just let me switch my shoes." I answered, "Any reason you wanted me in particular, to come with you on your walk, Loki?"

"Well you seemed to want to get out of the Tower, and..." Loki's voice trailed off as I got up and headed for the door with him following me.

Loki and I have been walking for about 20 mins now and our journey has led us to the library. Loki opened the door for me, "Thank you" I said while I walked through, and Loki nodded in response, a smile forming as I entered the room filled to the brim with books.

"So I brought some money just in case we might need some," I said as I watched Loki roam around the bookstore scanning for the right book. We walked past the comic books and into the novel area, I liked comics but I preferred novels and so does Loki.

"I would suggest for you... maybe 'Lord Of The Rings'?" I said and Loki nodded in response while taking the book, and started to read the back. When I looked over my shoulder, I saw Loki sitting on a couch and reading the first book. While I giggled in response once my giggle faded a little, Loki just smiled either, because of the book or my response to his actions.

I have been looking for a book, f/b to be specific. When I come back to the spot that Loki is in I see him still in the same position as he was when I left him last, right next to him f/b laid. My eyes lit up when I see the book I have been looking for, for five or maybe even ten minutes. Loki might have noticed because I heard a little chuckle from him.

"Come on, Loki," I say as I snatch his book I hear him have a little scoff. That made me laugh a little. While I put the book's on the counter, Loki was standing right behind me almost making himself look superior and more powerful.

I wonder if he knows that I'm not intimidated by him?

"Let's continue our walk," I said as I grab the bag full of books and made my way to the door Loki still following me.

"Is there a specific place you would like to read?" I asked, looking behind me.

"It is your realm," Loki said as he grabbed the bag from my hand and put it in his other hand so that I cannot take the bag from him, even though I tried, and probably made a fool of myself.

"How about the beach?" I suggested after failing at getting the books back and hoping that he would agree.

"Is the beach a quiet spot?" Loki asked, looking down at me.

"It is, and it is also a beautiful sight to behold." I said, grabbing his free hand. He tensed at first but let his hand relax after a second or so.

I bet not as beautiful as you darling. Loki thought with a smirk on his face, which made me start blushing while slowing down because of how flustered I am at the moment. Loki must have noticed and the smirk on his face just got bigger.

Once we arrived at the beach, as I expected with nobody else there so we had the beach to ourselves. The sun has almost completely gone out of view, the sky is a mix of; orange, pink-purple, and dark blue. I took off my shoes and carried them with my free hand, the waves splashing against the sand and feeling the warm sand under my feet.

Still not as beautiful as you darling. Loki thought while staring at the sunset, while slowly walking towards the water.

I doubt that. I thought while giving a little laugh. Once I thought that Loki's head whipped around to look at me.

Think that again, I dare you Loki started giving me the death glare.

Fine, I won't argue with you. I think while I put my hands up in defeat, that action put a smile on Loki's face, which also put one on my face.

Once we found a good reading spot, I conjured 2 chair's but one disappeared right after I conjured it. So I tried again, and again, and again. Now, I am getting a little frustrated with my powers.

"Come here darling," Loki says while patting his lap, with his book in his other hand. In response, I give him a questioning look.

"Come on, if you would like to sit. Please get comfy," Loki said with his knowing smirk. While pulling my arm so that now, not only am I sitting on his lap but I am also blushing. Loki noticed and his smirk is probably the biggest it has ever been in his entire life.


We have been reading for about an hour now and I still have a lot of built-up energy inside me, and I need to find a way to get it out.

"Hey Loki?" I asked while still reading my book waiting for an answer.

"Yes, darling?" Loki asked while also still reading.

"Do you have a lot of energy?"

"What do you mean?" Loki asked finally putting the book down and looking at me.

"I mean," I get off of Loki's lap, I could see that he was hesitant to let me get off, which made me blush a little. But after I got off, I grabbed Loki's hand and put down both books. And I changed (using magic) into a bathing suit, it took me a few moments to realize why Loki was smirking and why it was so big.

Then I realized how much skin I am showing. In the next few moments, I see Loki in black, green, and gold swim trunk's with that stupid smirk. I am blushing like crazy again, man I do not like blushing and showing him weakness.

What's wrong with showing me weakness, darling?

Heh, wouldn't you like to know. I think, with now a smirk instead of blushing. After I thought that Loki picked me up and ran into the water, then threw me in. Once I made it to the surface of the water, I teleported behind Loki and pushed him forward into the water, now Loki and I are both soaking wet.

After sometime of playing in the water, Loki and I dried off and changed back into dry clothes.

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