Chapter 8

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"Dad what happened?" Tia asks Derek.

"A mental breakdown! Used to happen all the time when we were kids!" Scott answers.

"You know im right here?" I sigh and put my face in my hands.

"Why did she have one?" Tia asks.

"I dont know but she was back in our childhood again!" Scott sighs.

"Again! Im here!" I stand up.

"What was so bad about you guys childhood?" She asks.

"Acknowledge me damn it!" I shout and they all turn to me.

"Stop treating me like a child! Im not 16 anymore!" I yell and punch the wall.

"Mom?" Tia asks.

"Im 33 damn it! Im not 'Little Tike' and i have a fucking kid now and another one on the way so stop treating me like i cant handle anything!" I shout and freeze. Shit.

"What did you say?" Derek stares.

"Forget it!" I go to leave but Tia grabs my wrist.

"Tia let go!" Derek snaps.

"Im going to be a big sister?" She asks. I stare down at her hand holding my wrist and my breathing gets heavier.

"Let go!" I growl. She looks into my eyes and quickly steps back.

"Yes Tia! You are going to be a big sister! I am going to lose some more power and ii will be lonely this time because Niamh left!" I say and go to Issacs old room. I grab a ball off the table and jump onto the bed. I throw the ball up and catch it repeatedly. Derek silently enters.

"Remember when i was 15 and i grabbed you by the ear in the woods and threatened you?" I ask.

"Yes. Vividly!" He says dryly.

"Remember when i was 16 and i Murdered someone?" I ask.

"Mhm!" He closes the door.

"When i was 16 i beat up Malia at school and you defended me?" I ask.

"Yep!" He stands still.

"When i was 17 and i left you and Issac for a pack of Chimeras?" I ask still throwing the ball. He nods.

"When i was 18 and i asked you to kill me?" I ask. He sighs and nods.

"When i promised Void that id take Tia to see him every week without your permission?" I ask.

"Yes! Yes i do!" He says.

"And all those times! You didnt have a stench of anger this bad!" I chuckle and look at his clenched fists. He says nothing.

"No! Come on though guy! Say something!" I sit up on the edge of the bed.

"Your pregnant!" He crosses his arms.

"Yes I am Der!" I stand up, pull the test out of Issacs top drawer and throw it to him. He catches it and after afew seconds he breaks it. I walk out of Issacs room and go to my room and pack a bag. He doesnt follow. I put the bag on my back and go to the living room.

"Tia! Sweety! Im going to stay at your grandmas for a while! Would you like to come?" I ask.

"Is dad coming?" She asks.

"No dad is not coming!" Derek growls.

"Ill stay with dad to keep him company!" She smiles.

"Ill see you soon sweetheart!" I hug her and kiss her on the forehead. "Derek see you later!" I huff and leave. I walk out and relise that my knuckles are only slightly bleeding. Im getting good at the whole controlling my temper thing! I go to my moms and knock the door. My dad answers.

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