Chapter 5: The Big Question

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Tessa's POV (1st person)

Will picks up the duckling that I put on him. He holds the duckling far away from him, which I find halarious. Laughter bubbles up inside of me and exscapes my lips. I am laughing so hard that I have to hold my stomach. Will looks back at me questioningly, then shruggs and continues walking. I follow and when I catch up to him I say, "Cuddle up with the wittle duckie!" "Never!" he says.

I laugh so hard that I accually fall over and land on my rear end! Will runs, sets the duck in the pond, runs back, and helps me up with a curteous hand. "Thank you Will." I say and feel a certain heat spread across my cheek bones. "Oh you will thank me in a minute, Tess!" and at that exact moment, Will literally swept me off my feet.

He was running with me in his arms bridal style. People were glaring at us as we hurtled through the park. I know that it is ungentlemanly for him to do this and unladylike for me not to resist but i don't care. We continue to run through the park. Will was laughing and i was giggling uncontrollably.

We make it around the park a few times when Will colapses and i fall with him. Will falls on his rear end and i fall on top of him. I can feel an intense heat spreading across my face. I roll off of him and laugh uncontrollably. We get up of the grond and brush ourselves off. "I think we should head to the restraunt you were talking about. I'm hungry!!!" I say "I shall escourt you, Tess!" he says "We should start then becuse it's getting dark." I say.

We arrive at the restaunt which is packed. The waiter says, "Table for two?" Will answers "Yes and can we have champagne please?" The waiter answers "But of coarse!" and with that he leads us to our table.


"That food was delicious!!" I say "Well i'm glad you thought so." said Will "What do you think Jem will say to us? I mean we have been away all day." I said "Tess, I don't care what he thinks right now. All I can think about is you. I often find myself unable to sleep because of the fact that i can't stop thnking about you. As you have seen today, I will do anything for you, even if it means holding blood thirsty water foul for you amusement. the point is," At this point Will is down on one knee "Theresa Gray, would you like the honor of becoming Theresa Herondale. Will you marry me?"

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