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2 Months Later

"Tessa hurry up! It's almost time to start!" Says Charlotte

I break out of my reverie. I look down at my golden dress. It's so lovely. About a month ago, we went to Shangai to go get Jem. He ws happy to see us. We told him about the recent events. Will had asked Jem if he wanted to be his best man. Of course, being Will's parabatai, he agreed.

Henry was going to walk me down the aisle and charlotte was my brides maid and Jessamine was the flower girl. "Tessa! It's time to start!"

Wills POV

I am really nervous. Don't get me wrong, I really love Tessa and want to marry her. Jem's my best man and Tessa's brides maid is Charlotte.

The music starts.

Chalotte walks down first, then Jessamine trowing flower petals everywhere, then Tessa and Henry. God, she'd beautiful. Her floor-length golden dress fits her perfectly. She's at the alter with me.

"We gather here today to witness the holy matrimony of Theresa Grey and William Herondale. Before we start does anyone have any objections?" He stops and looks around the church. "Do you, William Owen Herondale, take her, Theresa Grey, to be your lawfully wedded Wife?"

"I Do"

"And Do you, Theresa Grey, take him, William Owen Herondale, to be your lawfully wedded Husband?"

"I Do."

"I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may kiss the bride."

Our lips crash together and the church breaks out in applause. Through everything I have felt, pain and hatred, embaressment and disgust, Love has been the strongest. I suppose you could say that I have experienced Clockwork Love.

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