Chapter 4: Aftermath

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Chapter 4: Aftermath

Bakugou's POV:

"FUCK!" I yelled looking around himself. I found I was sitting back in recovery girls white recovery bed yet again. The room was bigger than i remembered. I usually just have a small room to myself. I was about to roll back over when I noticed Ochako was in the bed beside of mine. She had bandages all over her face. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" I thought out loud to myself.

That was why the room was bigger! They put her sorry ass in the same room as me. "Mhmm.." I hear ochako mumble in her sleep. "5- 5." Ochako yawned before continuing. "-more minutes mom....." ochako muttered. "Tsk" I ain't no mother. Bakugou thought before turning his sides to face ochako.

A few hours later I awoke to sun beaming through the window in me and ochakos room. My muscles were so sore from overworking them yesterday. I'm so tired...My body feels so stiff.

We had one heck of a fight. I still can't believe our battle went that far. I mean we both ended up unconscious. That battle was really damn tough. That girl is NOT as fragile as those fuckers might say she is.

"Mhhhm" I hurt ochako groan in her sleep. I was still facing her. I finally glanced at her after debating wether or not it would be okay to do so. I gently let out a soft sigh. Opening my eyes.

I saw she had some burn marks on her face... Her nose was definitely broken. Well-  what had used to be broken. Recovery girl must have patched her up when we were both unconscious.

After starting to feel bad about causing so much damage to the girl. I finally settled on going back to sleep. I rolled back over. Almost immediately falling back asleep.

~A few hours later~

Ochako's POV:

I woke up to hear bakugou's snoring. He was sleeping somewhat peacefully. I could feel bandaging all over my face. I sat up in my bed, glancing at bakugou.

His left arm was banged. It looked inflamed and extremely sore from what I could tell.

My nose was so sore. I was in extreme discomfort. "What the heck?!" I huffed.
I could hear bakugou shift in his sleep. Bakugou grunted. "Shut up pink cheeks." Bakugou grumbled. "What?!" I mumbled. "I said to shut up." Bakugou's gruff morning voice echoed through the large room.

"Make me." Ochako gruffly said. Glaring at the blond. Bakugou turned over his onto his side. Glaring right back at her. "So be it ochako I will!" He gridded his teeth.

Relieving the covers away from himself. Ochako also stood up. Trying to dash away from the angry Pomeranian. "Crap!" Ochako whisper yelped, as bakugou threw his weighted blanket at ochako. Which sent her plummeting onto the floor.

Both still only wearing the remaining scraps of their training outfits. "BAHA YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN YOUR DAMN FACE ROUND FACE!" Bakugou cackled.

"UGH!" Ochako groaned as the massive weighted blanket caused her to trip. Ochako shrieked stumbing onto the VERY cold, hard floor. "UGH! I'll get you back for this katuski bakugou!!" Ochako Shrieked. Upon hearing bakugou approaching her.

Bakugou's POV:

I snapped my head to ochako, listening to her assert her little master plan. I was pissed.

Bending down using my right arm (the one that's NOT hurt.) to yank the heavy blanket off the squirming ochako.

"By training myself. And to go past my limits. To grow strong enough to even beat you! Strong enough to help people in need. -People who need help! People who are terrified of villains! People who just want someone to be there for them. And for people to depend on! I want to be that type of hero bakugou! And if that means going past my limits to train myself enough to beat villains and you! Then I most certainly will! I'm most definitely not going to just stand here doing nothing!" Ochako paused and took a very deep breath.

"I want you to spar with me bakugou." Ochako said. Tearing the heavy blanket off her body. Attempting to stand.
"And why the fuck should I do that?" Bakugou's gruff voice sounded. Dangerously low. "Your the only person that treats me like an equal bakugou."
She started. "You don't hold back, or only give a portion of your all to me like deku, or Iida or tsu. Your the only person who will give me their all, and not hold back. That's what I admire about you bakugou!" Ochako Lectured at him.

He could start to feel his cheeks flush red.

~A few days later~

Bakugous pov:

Ochako and me were in recovery girls infirmary for the remainder of the weekend. Healing us up. Ochaco was released from the infirmary the following
Monday. Her injuries were fully healed. I would go back to class on Wednesday. It was now Tuesday.

The bakugou squad was blowing up my phone. They gave me ochakos number which was very embarrassing. Mina was all '👀' upon hearing ochako was beating my ass until I broke her nose. That damn group chat was driving me fucking insane. I was about to fucking blow up my phone when I ears a knock at my door.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS IY NOW?!" I yelled closing my eyes falling back on the stacked pillow mountain behind me.
The door slowly opened to reveal that damn shitty red head. Kirishma.
"Chill dude! It's just me! I figured you haven't had any decent hygiene in the past 5 days! So I brought dry shampoo that Mina brought me to give to you." Kirishima went on. "AND WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU APPLYING IT TO ME DAMN SHITTY HAIR!" Bakugou growled at his friend who walked over to the chair next to Bakugou's hospital bed. Reaching in his school bag. Taking the cap off the dry shampoo.

The sound of the shampoo being squirted out was getting on Bakugou's nerves. "SHITTY HAIR!!" Bakugou snarled at his friend. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM!" Bakugou shouted to kirishma.
"F-fine dude!" Kirishma chucked putting the cap back on the dry shampoo. Taking his backpack from the chair next to Bakugou. Kirishma couldn't help but laugh at the flattened hair on his friends head. It would be nearly impossible for anyone who saw Bakugou to not laugh.

Kirishma walked over to the door of Bakugou's room right as he bumped into ochako carrying a case of soda. "Oop- sorry Kirishma!" Ochako's petite voice could be heard. "That's alright!" Kirishma laughter filled the room as he was leaving.

Ochako started to close the door after kirishma left on to stare at the blond sitting on the bed fully realizing why Kirishma was laughing.

"BAKUGOU YOU HAIR!!" Ochako was practically cackling at his hair. "WHAT THE FUCKS WRONG WITH MY HAIR ROUND FACE!" Bakugou shouted at the girl.

"Here!" Ochako said handing bakugou a soda. "How the fuck did you know this was my favorite soda, pink cheeks." Bakugou questioned. "Mina told me." Ochako remarked.

Bakugou wondered why ochako was being so nice. Well fuck that. I don't fucking care what the fuck her little scheme is. I'll beat her sorry ass when we train together. I'll even-

Bakugou heard the sound of ochako taking a picture of him with her phone. "OI WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" Bakugou shouted at the brunette.

"Sending this picture of you to Mina!!" Ochako cackled showing the picture of him in bed with his hair slicked back holding a soda. "KIRISHMA!! ILL KILL YOU!!!" Bakugou shouted

Hello peeps I'm so sorry for disappearing off the face of the earth for a while. I'm going to continue working harder on my writing T^T

I'll try to post often :p Comment what you think so far!! Thanks for reading! <3 🍓✨

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