Chapter 9: Taken Hostage

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"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!" Ochako screamed, realizing there was no hope of her parents survival.

They both had been shot, and then burned in the fire, dead or alive, the my were most likely dead for sure now. Sobbing, she closed her eyes while feeling the chains against her body. One on both her hands, and arms. Two on her legs, and one against her chest, keeping her pinned down against the hard ground.

"We noticed your parents were working on rebuilding multiple homes of those who we destroyed before. Those good do-ers we're really pissing us off. Going right behind us and 'Cleaning up' our 'messes'. Who did they think they were!" Shigaraki laughed.

Ochako instantly felt helpless...

"Normally you would could count on your parents, huh?" Shigaraki started once more. "That's what they were there for right? Not to just go off and leave you when you least expect it!" Shigaraki erupted into a fit of laughter.

I'm not ready for this. Ochako thought. I can't be ready for this. I'm barely an adult, I'm still a kid! My parents are dead, what's going to happen to my future plans of being a hero?! They were my main support. Without them, I can't become a hero. How can I become a hero when I can't even protect the people close to me. My parents died because I let a villain into our home, and failed to save them! A petrified Ochako cried.

The voices in my head are telling me that I'm not good enough. They're  telling me that I will never be the same ochako I was when my parents were here with me. It's not the same with them gone. I can't even think without the images the flashbacks- the war that my mind is battling, like a child with a candle.

If you don't light the candle that child stays safe. But when you light the candle, the wax starts melting, the flame grown, and eventually the candle turns into nothing. That's how I feel right now. The only analogy that I can possibly think of. I am the child with a candle.

Before my parents were gone I was safe, the flame was not yet lit. And then came the villains. Those backstabbing bastards. They game and lit the candle.

They turned my life into flames of nothing but burning chaos. How can I find the light at the end of the tunnel when all I see around me are the flames of regret , sadness, grief. How can I take this all in?

The wax is melting I'm slowly turning into nothing. I'm falling apart and I feel like no one is there to help me.

How do I announce to even my most best friend that I am falling into my deepest darkest most scary time of my life. How do I reach out for help? How can I be sure that if I was to let some come near my candle wick and not light me.

How can I be sure that as soon as I let someone back into my life again, that they aren't going to just leave. Even if they don't realize it, or they can't help it. How can I be sure someone isn't going to just randomly die on me?

How can I be sure that once I've told all my deepest darkest secrets to someone that they're not going to walk out of my life and leave me for the worst.

I'm hyperventilating, I feel like I can't breath, like the air around me has crumbled into nothingness, leaving me breathless. I feel like I need to sit up, stand up, my lungs need to be full of air, I'm trying to calm myself down and just breath! BREATH OCHAKO I scream at myself. I just can't- I can't- I can't-

I can't loose myself I can't loose my sainty I can't. There's nobody else that can get my situation. I can't even comprehend loosing anyone else I know.

By now my heart is raseing faster than a horse in a marathon. My hands feel clammy. As if I had just soaked them in water for a long time.  I start feeling light headed as if I would faint from even the slightest touch.

My hands a feet feel tingly as if they are prickling, burning in a hot fire. They feel like pins and needles being stabbed onto my body. The sensation is horrid.

My hands and feet numb as if the pain wasn't rough I feel weak. As if one blow or slight bump of the shoulder would send me plumping onto the ground.

The chains around me weren't going any good for me ether. Holding me down tightly, making me claustrophobic.

So I tried floating. Where might I be floating? Who knows. I need to go to my safe place. I can't bare to stay here any longer. I can't comprehend anything beyond my mind right now. I need my safe person. I'm falling apart and no-one is here to stop me from doing so.

I feel like screaming, crying, shouting, calling out to someone yelling 'Help me! Free me from my misery, my deceased parents are no longer alive. And I'm the one to blame. If I had been there with them that damn day like I said I would have been. I could have just- just... I CANT-

And that's when I fell. I found myself plummeting from the tall skies. Faster and faster I fell. The Blare sensation of accepting that this was my fate. I too would be the one dying today. Along with my parents. I would to be pronounced dead.

Nobody would ever dare to save me. I heard the screams of citizens calling out to 'uravity' shouting 'Ochako' yelling 'uraraka' cries of pure horror. People shrieking at the sight of a so called 'beloved' hero falling to her death.

That was when I heard an explosion.
Instantly waking up from the images of my parents graves.
The sound of a mans gruff shouting. The sound of this mans extremely heavy and very unsteady breathing patterns as he wrapped his very strong, warm, muscular arms embracing me.

"Damn it ochako!" The man screaming. His increasingly intense grasp got incredibly tighter as I could feel his hot tear drops fall on my shoulder. "DONT EVER DO THAT AGAIN?!" He sobbed. "I LOVE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH. I CANT EVEN- I CANT-...." Sobbing uncontrollably, the mans voice drained to a stern whisper yell. "I cant even picture the thought of living a life without you. I know life sucks at times...but you have to hang in there for me...for everyone. The world needs uravity.  And so do I." The blondes voice trailed off.

Tears filled Ochako's eyes upon hearing this speech. Katsuki made direct eye contact with ochako. Both of their eyes were filled with tears trailing down their chreks as he pulled the two into a tender kiss.

"You did miss meeee~" ochako teased the blonde as they kissed off and on between sentences. Not afraid to confess his not so secret, katsuki pulled ochako into yet another kiss before shouting "FUCK OCHAKO!" The blonde shouted. "We need to get out of here right now!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2022 ⏰

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