Chapter 6: Studying

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"Ugh" I internally groaned walking into the school library. I really need to study, I thought looking down as I sat my backpack on the hard ground beneath my feet. In school today I found out there was going to be a calculus exam. I honestly have no idea how to solve the equations.

I turned on my heels hearing someone chuckling from behind me. I glanced around the room to see where the sound was coming from.

Katuski was walking over to me. Still
giving his smirking face. He knew I knew absolutely nothing about calculus. He was the only one who knew (besides momo) how to solve calculus, and get an A.

However, because of the fact momo has been sick all week, Katuski was my only hope, as the upcoming calculus exam was on Friday. It was only Monday, so I have a few days to learn this before the actual exam. Which by the way counts as a major chunk of my grade. So there's that to also look forward to. I'm absolutely so nervous.

I started taking out my pink pencil case, along with any journals, notebooks, textbooks, or generally any notes that would help me understand calculus on a pro level before Friday. "Okay", I thought to myself. "I have 4 days to learn calculus before the exam. If I practice every day after school I should be able to pass this exam. Hopefully I'll get a grade above a C. But even then than, getting a C wouldn't be all that bad.

After digging threw my backpack for what seemed like days, I finally was able to sit down on the bright lemon shade, poofy, beanbag. As I sat down, I felt katsuki sit down on the same beanbag with me. Only being a few inches away from me, I felt his warm breath in my shoulder as he breathed a soothing, stray tempo. He was so calming to be with.

"Hey round-face." Katsuki said while getting his own notebook from his backpack. "Yes?" I murmured back to him as I looked through my notebook for any tips, or tricks I wrote down in the past calculus lectures that could potentially help me study during the week.

"Ready to start?" He had asked me. I finally looked up into his Rudy red orbed eyes. I nodded looking back to my notes. I really needed to focus on katsuki. I-I mean
you- what katsuki was teaching me!

~A few hours later~

"And then you carry the x over to the-" my stomach seemed like it gargled as loud as one of katsuki's massive explosions. "Uhh cheeks?" Katsuki looked at me concretely. "Should we take a break and get some food?" He asked me. "Uhh... " I stuttered. "I really need to finish this problem, a-and" before I could fully finish my sentence he had cut me off. "-I'll go get some food, and bring it back here for us. How's that sound angel face?" By now I was a blushing stuttering mess. "Oh-okay, be safe!" I mentally slapped myself for sounding so awkward.

While he was out getting food I was still
working on trying to solve more of the practice problems that katsuki had gave me to practice. However, I think we still overall confused about the problem I was currently working on. I knew Katsuki would help me, and he would offer to help me-well learn how to solve these what seemed to be impossible questions.

I practically started snoring at the studying of calculus. Learning this felt impossible. All the variables, and changes in carrying over or finding the square roots of numbers, or using division to divide numbers into others. This is just giving me a headache trying to comprehend how Katuski manages to just remember all of these random algebraic equations, and rules. When it comes to this type of subjects in school, I normally don't do very well. Other subjects are definitely my greater strengths.

Although I knew a lot engineers used this so called 'simple' task in their everyday work, it was still hard for me to understand when I would need to know calculus for hero work. I mean I guess with the paperwork I would deal with after I caught a villain, but even then, what would I need to use calculus for?? That was even more confusing. Trying to figure out when I would use calculus in the 'real world'

I guess I had fallen asleep, because I was awoken to the most delicious smell of noodles. Specifically miso soup. One of my personally favorites! Katsuki knows me so well. I can't believe we've become so close over these past few months. I knew after we ate I'd have to go back to working in calculus, which made me sad as I wanted to just spend time with katsuki, and not work on this stupid calculus.

"Here pink cheeks." Katsuki murmured, handing me a warm bowl of miso soup. "Thanks." I replied smiling. He returned a faint smile back. My heart fluttered at his small action. Dang he really has such an adorable smile. He is pretty sweet when he wants to be. I thought while smiling again.

As we sat down in the beanbag between the tall tree like bookshelves, filled with hundreds of books. While devouring our food, I thought about what I would do during this week whenever katsuki wouldn't be studying with me.

Curiosity got the best of me, as  I started bombarding him with a series of questions. "Katsuki, are you going to study all week with me, or after today are you going to study by yourself?" I asked curiously.

"I can study in here with you, or in one of our dorms if you'd like." He started. "Or we can both study independently, but in the same room, so if you need help with something I can be right there to help you?

I blushed as I nodded in agreement with me. "I like that idea." I said blushing. I didn't just 'like' that idea. I loved it! He was being so sweet towards me. Gosh I loved this man so much.

After we finished our food, I was starting to get all squirmy. We had been studying for what felt like hours, and I was more than ready for a nice long break. I could tell katsuki sensed my feelings. "Here cheeks." Katsuki uttered while handing me an earbud. Confused he continued speaking. "I made us a study playlist..." he spoke sheepishly. He turned to his phone, to start playing music. I was now a blushing mess. He was so thoughtful!

The first song that came on the playlist was secrets by one republic. This song was one of my favorites. He knows me so well. I could feel the butterfly fluttering around in my stomach as he looked me in the eyes. Visibly seeing my gratitude towards him in that moment.

~The next day~

Day two of studying calculus, for the calculus exam on Friday. Now it was Tuesday, meaning me and katsuki have 2 more days to study before the big exam.

Today however, we were studying In his room. Katsuki thought it would be easier to study together In one of rooms instead of the library as someone could walk into the library at any given time without a problem as it was a public space.

Meaning that if someone was also in the library and they were being loud as we were studying, we would get distracted and not focus properly.

So, without arguing with katsuki I agreed. So now here we are, as I'm sitting on one side of katsuki's bed, while he's on the other. Right now we're working individually, but if I need any help at al katsuki said to ask him and he'd help me.

After completing about half of the practice sheet that katsuki gave me to practice, I ended up getting stuck on a really hard problem. Well, probably easy to katsuki, but to me it was really hard.

"You have to carry over the 5, and then find the square root of x..." When katsuki explained the equation to me, it made so much for sense then when I was trying to learn it on my own. "Ohhh so would this equation equal 4.5?" I asked. "Yes!" I was so happy that we solved the equation!

~Friday on the day of the exam~

I was so nervous this morning that I wouldn't do good on the calculus exam. Me and katsuki had studied all week long together. A totally of around 4-ish days.

Last night we worked on the study guide given to us the day before the exam to help us. I was still really nervous about getting a bad grade. I felt like there were hundreds of butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I really hope I get a good grade!

~The following Monday~

The following Monday I got my test results back. Before I looked at my paper to see what I scored on the exam, I remembered that me since me and katsuki finally figured out a way that I could comprehend calculus, i ended up getting a 97% on our calculus exam! I was so excited! Katuski promised to take me out somewhere since we both passed are exams with A's! I wonder where he's be taking us!

Hey everyone! Sorry for not updating in a really long time. (-_- ) I'm writing more now! Sorry for any typos, or incorrect grammar. Stay tuned for more! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I hope your day goes well! <333❤️❤️❤️ -Olivia

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