Chapter 8: The weekend

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After me and katsuki went on an outing last week I felt as we had gotten so much closer than before. It was a really warming feeling to feel comfortable around one another. That was something I have always wanted in our friendship.

I'm overall euphoric about everything going on in my life. It seemed to be going uphill to me at least. Becoming a hero seemed to be working out really well for me at the moment.

Being able to train with Katuski, and my other fellow peers has really helped me grow not just physically, but also mentally. I know that If I ever needed anything that they would be there for me, and I will always be here for them.

I feel so lucky to be able to live this life. Even though I might have grown up poor, with my parents constantly working, (and still are) like crazy, I know that they have always tried their hardest to be there for me. To always make sure that I am doing okay. I know that they will always be there for me, even when I'm at my lowest points in life.


It was time for me to go home. Once a month I go to my parents' house. Usually they are busy with work. However, they always make sure to take off at least one day per month for me to still be able to still visit.

I'm so happy that I finally get to see my parents again. It seems like forever since the last time I saw them. I miss them so much. While I'm at UA living my best life, pursuing my dreams, they are so busy working for their construction company.

Typically when visiting my parents, I meet them at whatever construction site their currently working on, so that we can walk back home together. We usually make a dinner, watch a movie, then go to bed. Sometimes we might play a board game, or bake a dessert, but my parents have been so tired lately.

The last few months whenever I've came to visit, my parents have sat on the couch while I made dinner. They were so tired they fell asleep before they ate. I felt so sad that this kept happening... every-time I went to their house this just seemed to be the endless cycle. Eventually I got tired of not being able to talk to them for very long. But I feel really bad to confront them about this though. So I always stay quiet.

However, this situation has become a reoccurring issue, which is getting old fast. I come, they fall asleep, I leave the next day. Not really even seeming to notice I was there. Which honestly hurt.


Exactly a month since I had last visited my parents, I had revived:
No calls, no texts, no letters, emails, postcards, nothing. Absolutely no contact with my parents throughout a whole entire month!

Surely they wouldn't forget about me... would they? I doubt they would but still... it hurt that my parents still hadn't at least called or texted me to see if I was alright. Oh who am I kidding. I'm being such a drama queen. Of course my parents care about me! They're just always to busy to-

They're just always to busy to....

They're just always to busy to....

All in that moment all my thoughts- everything seemed to just crash down onto me, all making perfect sense. My parents are way to busy. They are almost in their fifties, and they are working their butts off like they are going to get a good paycheck. Which I know is far from the reality of there incredibly low income.

I feel terrible with what my parents have to put up with through work, just to make a paycheck that doesn't cover every bill that needs to be paid. Debt was starting to capture my parents.

... (sorry for so many time skips)...

Getting off the subway to my parents, I collect my thoughts as I walk towards my childhood home, where my parents still live.

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