viii. Good Person

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좋은 사람-MAY 12

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좋은 사람
MAY 12

IT WAS AROUND noon when Luna heard the bells of the door jingle, signifying new customers. Perhaps it was the early birds who came for lunch earlier, wishing to avoid the crowd.

Luna finished wiping the countertop as she noticed two men in her field of vision.

"Hello, welcome to-"

She stopped her voice in its tracks as she laid eyes on the two boys, looking at her as curiously as she was looking at them.

"Luna? I didn't know you worked here!" exclaimed a happy Taehyung, waving at her cheerfully.

"Hey, Taehyung," she said, with a questioning tone. "Namjoon," she greeted the other boy too.

"You know her too, Taehyung?" the older glanced at the boy.

"Yeah, she's caught me graffitiing around town. Saved me a few times," he replied with a cheeky grin. "How do you two know each other?"

"She's a regular customer," Namjoon pointed it, earning a nervous chuckle from Luna. It was true, as Jang-Mi began to forget filling the gas of the car more often, giving Luna an opportunity to stop by and talk to Namjoon. She'd learned that he actually lived at that gas station, working there during the day.

"Anyways, what can I get you?" Luna inquired.

"Oh, we're actually not buying anything," Namjoon stated. "We were wondering if Hoseok was around?"

"Hoseok?" she raised her eyebrows at the question. 

I had no idea that they knew Hoseok.

Luna leaned her head in before speaking in a lower voice, just in case anyone could hear.

"He's in the hospital," she stated, a solemn look on her face. Hoseok had gotten injured two days before and was going to be in the hospital for a while. Luna worried for him, knowing his condition. She hoped his injury wasn't too painful.

"The hospital?" Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows, and then turned to Taehyung. They exchanged a knowing glance, which made Luna a bit confused. "Okay," Namjoon said. "Thank you."

"See you around, Luna!" Taehyung waved before taking Namjoon by the arm and making their way toward the exit.

"Stay out of trouble," Luna mumbled as she watched them, her thoughts scattering.


Luna walked through the white, bland hallways of the hospital, making her way to the elder's recreation room to join a game of chess for a bit before leaving. She opened the door of the staircase, starting to climb up the flight of stairs.

Her head raised at the sound of footsteps rushing down the staircase beside her, and soon enough she was face-to-face with the person.


She felt her stomach churn as they made eye contact, bodies only a few feet away from each other. She suddenly felt her heartbeat pulse in her ears, a feeling creeping up her spine that she felt was familiar.

"Excuse me," he mumbled while panting before continuing to reach the bottom of the stairs in a hurry.

Luna made her way up with her head low, until she hit an epiphany that made her heart race even more.

His voice.

She quickly turned her head behind her, suddenly making eye contact with Seokjin who had turned around as well.

I've heard his voice before.

She watched as Seokjin finally turned to the door, rushing out of it. He seemed to be looking for something, possibly someone.

During my dream, the first loop. She pondered. 'I would do anything.'

She shook the memory out of her head before continuing her journey up the stairs. Everything she'd went through was a dream, so she knew it didn't really matter anymore.


MAY 13

Luna had decided to volunteer again at the hospital, having finished an unsatisfactory game of chess with an elder whom she'd lost to, her competitive nature on display. She always wanted to win, even if it would temporarily damage the pride of some elders.

As she made her way through the children's wing to get to the staircase, something had caught her eye that had made her stop in her tracks.

It was the boy whom she had bumped into about a month before and started to see more often. He was standing in the hallway, engaged in a conversation with none other than Seokjin.

I didn't know they knew each other.

Interrupting her thoughts, the sound of a door slamming open startled her, making her turn toward the noise.

"Make way!" a nurse yelled from afar. Her and a few other nurses were frantically jogging through the hallway, carrying a patient on a stretcher who was screaming in agonizing pain. "A patient's been injured!" she shouted. "He fell down the stairs!"

Luna's breath hitched as she scooted to the side of the hallway as they came toward her, but her heart dropped when she noticed the patient on the stretcher.

"Hoseok?!" she furrowed her eyebrows in worry as she saw her friend in pain, being dragged away from her.

Her head began to painfully pulse, sweat beginning to form on her forehead. As the room began to spin, she noticed a boy across the hallway running toward Hoseok, a panicked expression on his face.

No, she pleaded in her head as she started to lean on the wall for support, before the only thing she could hear was the piercing sound of the intense breaking of glass.

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