Mikey // Second Option [ 2 ]

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Three months passed and it's the first day of school. After Mikey and I broke up I cried for a week then I decided to start loving myself more crying over a spilled milk won't do any good for me. I kept myself busy to take my mind off him, I even learn to do skincare. I went to the gym and learned basic make up I also cut my long hair. A bob cut with baby bangs, something that's out of my comfort zone.

(a/n: a visual representation of your hairstyle that I can't explain well ehehehe pic from pinterest)

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(a/n: a visual representation of your hairstyle that I can't explain well ehehehe pic from pinterest)

Everyone is looking at me as I walk to the bulletin board to see which class I'm in.

"l/n... l/n... l/n..." I whisper as I scan the list in front of me. "There! 3-A" I said pointing at my name. Someone bumps my hand that's also pointing at the paper I look to my right and it's Mikey.

"y/n." He's a bit surprised.

"Mikey." I smiled at him.

"So we're classmates."

"According to the list, yes," I said.

"You changed... your hair." He said, holding the back of his head.

"Yeah. I think it's nice to have a short hair for a change."

"It suits you. you're pretty as always."


There's an awkward silence for a moment.

"look about last time..."

"Forget it. I'm doing good I hope you are too." I said as I tap his shoulders before I walk past him.

Shoot! out of five sections, he's really in my class.

"Wow y/n you really transformed! you become more beautiful! you're giving me a bad bitch I don't give a fuck vibe." Annika said as she clings to my arm. "Thank god we're classmates again!" she added.

"I just learn to love myself more." I smiled at her.

"How's your feeling? He's in our class, it must be awkward to you."

"What? No! It's fine. Honestly, I don't care anymore."

"Good! Because pretty girls like us don't waste tears to jerks like him."

She leans closer to whisper. "Haven't you heard there's a new transferee and he's wealthy as..." Annika didn't finish her sentence when a guy walks in front of us. He's a feminine-looking man, he has striped colored hair tied in a ponytail with some loose locks in front, his eyes are droopy and tilted making him look bored but love the eyelashes it's long! He has a lollipop in his mouth. Our eyes meet as he walks past us. He's good-looking, to be honest.

"That's him!" Annika whispers

"Not gonna lie his cute," I said after he leaves.


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