Wakasa // TOTGA

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I will stay by your side forever, waka-chan.




Waka-chan, let's end things here. I am tired.


"Ahh! It's good to be back!" You looked around while feeling the cool breeze of spring. The smell of your hometown is still the same. The people, the place is still the same. it's like you never left.

"It's been three years, huh? I wonder how is he." You whispered to yourself while brushing your chest where the scar of the operation was placed.

You've just arrived back in Japan. Three years ago, you went abroad with your parents for your treatment. You had a hole in your heart and were on the waiting list for a heart transplant. Your parents decided to live abroad in the meantime while waiting for a compatible donor. The doctor said that you only have a 50% chance of survival if you undergo a heart transplant since your case is rare. It's scary but you took the risk with one person in mind... Him, your first love.

You broke up with him in your senior year in middle school. That's the year when you learned that your condition has a 50-50 chance of survival. You broke up with him because there was no guarantee that you will be back and you didn't want him to wait for something without any assurance. Dumb move? Maybe. Selfish act? Definitely. but what can you do? Your mind was a mess and you didn't want to trouble him so, you chose to leave him.

"y/n! Can you buy dinner at our favorite restaurant nearby? We missed the food there. It's just that, there are so many things your father and I need to unpack. I don't have time to make dinner. the utensils are still in the box."

"Okay! It's fine, Mom. I'll just get my jacket."

As you walk to the neighborhood, The feeling of nostalgia came rushing in you. The park where you and Wakasa used to play. The old tree where you fell while pretending to be a ninja and that big rock beside the lake where you and Wakasa used to hang, watching the sunset while munching your favorite bread. You smiled at the thought.

You were walking passed a convenience store when your eyes caught figures in the small alley. Your nosy ass stopped walking and stared at them, figuring out what are they doing.

Your eyes suddenly widened when you realized that they are making out in public. Your cheeks began to burn "Woah, kids these days are so adventurous." You whispered yourself as your fan your face using your hand.

You then felt chills to your spine when the male opened his eyes and looked straight at you. Glaring is the correct term.

"Ah! Sorry." you mouthed and started to walk away but immediately halted when you realized something. You slowly took a step back and looked at the guy again. Your heart instantly races upon the realization.



It's the first day of your senior year in high school and you're on your way to your class. You sighed because you still couldn't believe that you saw Wakasa doing something scandalous with a girl in public. He's not the same Wakasa that you know. His gaze is different.

After your realization that day, your instinct instructs you to run like you're surviving a zombie apocalypse. You didn't have the chance to talk to him.

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