Chapter 13

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Percy's POV

I walked over to Luke and told him that I'd be back soon. Then I announced to the soldiers and camp that I was going to be leaving for about a week.

"Wait! What about the war? You will miss it if you are gone for a week. Right?" Called Piper the instant before I was about to disappear.

"Oh right, I'm sorry. We go by Chaos time which is faster than your human time. Based by my senses I can guess that I will be back in about a day or two." I said sternly before deporting myself to Chaos's planet and changing my clothes.


Poseidon's POV

I was called to Camp for something urgent. I felt depressed but put on a good face anyway.

As I walked over to the crowd gathered, campers gave me pitied looks and then looked away. I pushed my way through which wasn't hard considering the reasons. What I saw just about broke me and also made my day.

As I watched the puny body of Theseus shrivel up, Annabeth started to talk to me,"My lord. I am very sorry, but I am also not. I know he was your son, but he was not a good person and betrayed us."

After she was done speaking I broke my eyes away from Theseus for them to land on Annabeth. At first I just looked at her solemnly, then I broke into a grin. Not a fake one, but a real smile.

"I have been waiting for this to happen for over a 100 years. I knew what he did since almost the beginning." I stated matter-of-factly.

Annabeth and the rest of the camp looked at me, flabbergasted.

"But, then why didn't you tell us? It would've helped us greatly!" Jason cried.

"Ancient laws..." I drawled out.

Knowing what that meant everyone nodded, knowing the ancient code of the gods.


Sorry, I'm putting the authors not in the middle. I have no idea why, but I am. I just want to say thank you for all of the likes! It took like 2 days to get to the goal and me being the procrastinator I am, waited for like ever. Sorry about that! I also had book hangover for like 3 books in a row for a month or so and it was living hell. Also, the like goal is.... hmmmmmm... maybe... 400? Yes? Kk.

That will hopefully give me enough time to write the next chapter slowly and think it out. I was kind of rushing for this one. I started it, then stopped. Then started it, then stopped. I didn't really have any inspiration.

Comment on any mistakes in the book so I will know to change it. I will probably edit the whole book once it is done.

Thanks! I love you all!

P.s. The next update will come much much faster. Maybe a week? Message me if I don't.


Sigma's POV

As I fought against the rebels, my mind became distracted. Would End know who I was? Would the monsters fighting with him know and tell everyone. I did not feel that it was good to let Camp know who I was, but how could I avoid it? Everything that has happened in my past has been leading up to the moment where I make my life choice.

Be known but hated, or unknown and loved.

I know it is selfish but I would rather be loved than hated considering for a few years of my life I had felt unwanted. I don't want to go back. I would not make it through that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2015 ⏰

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