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Note: Enjoy!! :DDD

-Indonesia's POV-

Another beautiful day at school. Oh shit, it's China- "What do you want?" Phil said annoyed. "I'm very surprised you were able to do that Philip. I underestimated you, a lot. Just keep in mind nothing can stop me, not even you. So don't even try to threaten me, Phil'' He smiled. I looked over at Phil. "Phil are you alright?" Malay asked. 

She was silent. "Philip, what are you-?" I asked. She then pulled China's collar and whispered something to him. "China, I may be small but I'm tired of all of your shit. I may be a dumbass but you're the whole cactus, sir. You really are just an IDIOT thinking I would tolerate everything you say" Philip said in a venomous tone. 

She then pushed him out of our way. "Come on guys, he's just wasting our time" She muttered. I'm surprised how Phil and China had the guts to do that after suspension. "What just happened?" Malay asked. "I have no idea. I guess our little baby is growing up" I said in awe. "You fucking bitch" Malay replied.

-Time Skip-                                                                                                                                   

-3 months later- 

"Hey Malay? Do you think Philip is alright?" I asked. "I don't know. She's not really herself anymore" She replied. You might be wondering what is going on? Well, Phil isn't acting like herself lately. It all started after suspension and argued with China.

She gets pissed off a lot, she has anger issues, and she's a lot rude to others now. This is not the Philippines we know. She's sweet, kind and nice. She's basically the opposite of what's happening now. Something happened to her. It's like it's not even her.

"It's a bit surprising that the employees of this school let her be. It's not right" Malay added. "Like America and Russia..." I replied. "I wonder what's going on" I mutter. "So~You think something is wrong with me?" Our eyes widened. "P-Phil? How did you-, I thought you went somewhere" Malay said. 

"Well, fun fact I just arrived. Why are you guys not happy for me?" She asked. "I'm always this stupid coward, who runs away from my problems. I'm not that idiot who is so naive and thinks everything can be solved by being nice. 

I'm tired of this shit just let me be!" She then slammed the door on both of us. Malay sighed. "We can't do this alone Indo, we need help. I'm sure the others already noticed this. I just want our old Philip back..." Malay stated.

-Philippines' POV-

"I'm impressed Philip, I never knew you could do that to your friends y'know." Iris smiled. I sighed. "I was just mad okay? I didn't mean it..." I replied. Iris rolled her eyes. "After all that they did you still trust them? You don't need them, you have yourself and of course me!" Iris stated.

"They will just break your heart over and over and over again" She added. "Iris, I'm just doing this so I can get China out of my hair" I reply. "Okay, okay, if they betray you, don't come crying to me" I sigh.

"Iris I thought you're supposed to help me!" I yelled. "I am!  Do you think I like seeing you hurt? It hurts me too y'know!" She yelled back. Iris sighed. "Okay...I'm sorry, c'mere" (For a reason Phil can hug Iris:DDD)


(Note: The setting is in Papa ASEAN's house)

                      A week ago, Malay and Indo came to my office. They told me that Philip was acting very different. They told me about everything. I tried to convince them that Phil had a very bad time and just needs some rest.

But I was wrong, they both told me that her situation is getting worse. They also told me they hear Philip talking to someone. But who?

I told them to call the rest of the members of ASEAN so that we could discuss what's going on. And they did. I suddenly heard a knock on my door. It was Indo. "Hey papa? They're here" Indo said.

"I'll be there, thank you Indo" I smiled. Before I left my office, I could hear them all murmuring outside. "Hello countries" I greeted.

"Hello Papa ASEAN" They all replied. "Do not worry, you have done nothing wrong, I just want to talk to all of you" I replied. "So what is this about?" Laos asked.

"It's about Phil isn't it?" Vietnam asked. I nodded. "Have you noticed  anything about her?" I asked. "Well, she's very rude to others now..." Thailand replied. "Anger issues" Brunei muttered. "She doesn't really care about anything or anyone, except for herself and her country. She also told Indo and I about whispers..." Malaysia stated.

"I see..." I said. "Do you have any idea why this happened?" I asked. "Hm...China?" Cambodia replied. "Her brother is in a coma-" Malaysia added. I nodded.

The meeting ended 30 minutes later and it seems that Philip isn't doing good at all. She thinks shutting everyone out will help her, but no.

But what about the whispers? What about the voices? Maybe it's just her imagination. I sigh. I need to talk to her and her family.

Note: I just wanna credit Piggy Roblox for the whispers(the insolence) and MCYT, specifically, Technoblade for the voices :)))


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