Relocated part 2

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Fade in to Simmons and Thea running up a cliff to look at Blue Base

Radio sounds

Simmons: Come in, Sarge, come in.

Camera zooms in on Simmons and fades in to his HUD point of view.

Simmons: I can see Blue Base but there's no one around. There's some kind of light and it looks like somebody's working on somethin'. I'll have a look closer and see if I can find anyone but I don't think that there-

Caboose pops up into Simmons' view.

Caboose: Hello!

Thea and Simmons back up with a fright.

Thea: Ah!

Simmons: Jesus! Don't do that!

Caboose: Hey Simmons. Uh, were you guys coming to attack us? Uh, because we're kinda busy right now. Do you think you could attack us later maybe like uh, like next week?

Simmons: We're not attacking you, We're just coming over to spy on you.

Caboose: Oh, awesome.

Simmons: And figure out how you got your power turned on.

Caboose: Oh, you mean the invisible magic, yeah. Uh, you know it was already on when we got here. Very convenient.

Thea: That makes sense.

Simmons: And We're also trying to figure out what you two doing.

Caboose: Doing? Nothing. There's no reason to do anything. Why would we be doing something? We wouldn't, that's why. So we're not.

Simmons: If you're not doing anything then why are you too busy?

Caboose: What?

Simmons: You just said we couldn't attack you right now because you were too busy.

Caboose: ...I'm going to have to ask you to leave.

Thea: Okay. (Leaves)

Simmons: Why? You are doing something, aren't you?

Caboose: Ah- Simmons, stop being nosy. Do you want to lose all your spying privileges?

Thea: (From afar) Come on Simmons!

Cut to Sarge yelling up at Grif, who's climbing the tower on top of Red Base

Sarge: Come on, Grif! Hurry it up!

Grif: Hey, don't rush me! This is high! Shouldn't I have on safety gear or something?

Sarge: You have armor, numb nuts! That's like having a helmet for your whole body. So stop complaining.

Grif: No, I mean, shouldn't there be like a safety rope, or at least some railings?

Sarge: Grif, use yer head! If we had a rope tied up there already, you could just climb up the rope! Stop askin' dumb questions.

Simmons and Thea return.

Simmons: Hey, Sarge.

Thea: Sup.

Sarge: Simmons, what did you find out?

Simmons: Well, I know their base isn't running on brain power.

Sarge: Excellent, that means Grif can still be used as fuel once we get the generators turned on.

Simmons: Caboose and Shawn has no idea how their power works. He said it was already on when he got there.

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